SW toy question

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SW toy question

Post by Double-Tap »

Hey guys.
I know there might be 1 or 2 SW collectors here who might be able to help.

Does anyone know what/when Britain is getting toy wise? I havent seen not only any of the newer waves but not even restocks of the sold out figs.

Really want the rebels darth maul 2 pack and thrawn but also want new R1 figs. Asked in all the major shops and they know nothing. Emailed hssbro but no response.
Really dont want to buy online as postage is a killer but dont want to leave it and miss out.

Anyone any info?

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Re: SW toy question

Post by Hankster »


Is this 3.75 inch or 6? The Darth Mail 2 pack has not been released in the U.K yet, only through online retailers and think they are all sold out.

Don't think the 3.75 inch Thrawn was released here either and doubt it will be in the future. Only first few waves launched here (deathtrooper, shore trooper, Jyn etc) and can be found in retail. Haven't yet seen Galen Ersp or Raddus at retail but they are available online at around a tenner.

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Re: SW toy question

Post by Double-Tap »

Thanks Hank.
Its the 4 inchers im after.
TRU belfast is usually pretty good maybe a month or 2 behind states and forbidden planet usually beat them with new stock but they have nothing new and dont know what when they're getting.
Whoever works for hasbro distribution should be lined up and shot.

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Re: SW toy question

Post by Double-Tap »

We never even got the shore trooper death trooper single packs just the 2 packs.
I found unmasked kylo ren and riot trooper with web gear in budget shops. Never saw these in the major toy shops.
I dont understand why no new stock because whats available seems to be selling ok.

Also tesco have a R1 4 pack for ten quid down from 40 andcTRU have the jedha 4 pack with Saw Gererra down to £15

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Re: SW toy question

Post by Hedrock »

I'm based in Derry and bought most of my new Star Wars from ASDA cause it was cheaper and better with new stock than TRU or Smyths over here

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Re: SW toy question

Post by Double-Tap »

Never thought of asda.
Bouts in Derry are you?
Havent been up there in about 10 years.
Cheers Heddy.

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Re: SW toy question

Post by Double-Tap »

Never thought of asda.
Cheers Heddy.

Bouts in Derry are you?
Havent been up that way in about 10 years.
Was at a comic convention at Sandinos????
But too many beers to remember clearly.

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Re: SW toy question

Post by Double-Tap »

First post vanished then reappeared when I retyped it.
The machines are rising, mark my words.

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Re: SW toy question

Post by Hedrock »

I'm in the city side - good to know there are other Joe/AF fans this side of the water too! :)

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Re: SW toy question

Post by Double-Tap »

The reason i started this thread is that SW8 figs been spotted at retail in south america.
Not sure if R1 figs will be available after this.

I think this yearly release of films is really going to have a long term Impact on collecting toys.
If we only have a year to buy app figures and nowhere to buy them prices are going to soar.

I keep thinking back to what was available ten years ago and its night and day.
Marvel, iron man 2, gi joe and clone wars were everywhere.
Now I cant even buy a SW fig at disney shop????
And no spiderman figs?? WTF.

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