Thanks for the responces guys, And Yeah, the classic helmet for sure, even if removable or head swapped would worked. Right now the closest thing I can remake in current parts is a ROC Elite-Viper head with a nazi helmet from Target's Bravo Team or Resolute Trooper.
Seems the results are simular here as the opinion on GI joe figures i read on hisstank. The reason I not included an bring back the original mold option or do a ARAH version I though was obvious, but I'll explain:
I was aiming more for a more realistic result and recasting the original molds seemed the least likely at the bottom what hasbro will do.
Added going back to ARAH construction even more unlikely based on how current joe figures are made, look at Blades example or the last few conventions figures, no more O-rings. Also, the last time they tried to go "backwards" action figure construction in GI Joe was in 2002 on the legs i recall and even then they still had to retooled the legs back to the old ball joint so going "old school" design wouldn't be smart repeat, much less cost effective.... but then agian Target have an Past And Present to be released, but even then we don't know the success of that due to the release of the RHINO.
Lastly, marketing wise, us fans, collecters and customizers are not the 100% market, children are also like we were in our youth and using outdated construction not be commerially wise when they updated the action figure design already. I mean put modern Cobra Commander and 80's Cobra Commander at the same price and tell a kid today that don't know anything about the toyline's history and say they can get only one, what they get? Is that any different that us in our youth on what was eye candy versus and eye sore?
I know humans fear change, it our nature, but unless we are Hasbro, which sadly we are not, there come a time we have to except the age of old O-ring is gone past, it now the age of more details, mixed plastics and gear mechanics, but if we can get some compromise in there return, the Options made I chosed as the most likely to happen if did happen.
I hope this explains a bit of why certain options wasn't made avalible.
If hasbro do bring back the Red Shadows in modern era....?
Re: If hasbro do bring back the Red Shadows in modern era....?
i'd expect to see the heat-death of the universe before we see that.paul wrote:-
There's no option to say bring them back 'exactly' as they are!
Put a modern manufacture date on the leg but don't change a thing!