I use locktite super glue.
never had any probs with it but it dries super fast so no room for error.
Re: Glue
I always stick my hands together with Superglue. It's like I can be the most careful person in the world with it, but BAM! Always stick my fingers together! All other glues - fine with! Nice and tidy - spot on! Superglue?? BAM! Stuck together! It's like I'm jinxed when it comes to superglue.
If any wants any tips on "glue" for sticking pages together though I'm thinking we're back on Jimbobx's catalogue type thread....
If any wants any tips on "glue" for sticking pages together though I'm thinking we're back on Jimbobx's catalogue type thread....
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"BFTB Elite??? Moi??? Ooooooo, Missus - Titter ye not!"
"BFTB Elite??? Moi??? Ooooooo, Missus - Titter ye not!"