The destruction of Space Station Alpha, a twelve man orbital research laboratory (the largest skylab project attempted at the time).

Karl Vagan led a terrorist group in a failed attempt to violently take control of the station. Vagan instigated the destruction of the station when its crew put up an unexpected amount of resistance.

Soon after this incident the Red Shadows emerge as a global threat. Numerous reports surface of "terrorist attacks on world shipping" and of a "return to piracy".

This new wave of terrorism made governments aware of a glaring gap in their military capabilities. Therefore cutting across international red tape a new force that has authority to act independently was formed, designated simply ACTION FORCE.

We also see the first defection from the newly formed counter terrorist unit: a former British Royal Marine Captain is captured in the first exchange of fire between Action Force and the Red Shadows. Eventually he joins the Red Shadows.

Vagan tortures Connors on board Alpha

Vagan's modus operandi was identical to that later seen in Red Shadow operations. It is suspected that Vagan* may have gone on to form the Red Shadows. He lead them under the moniker of Baron Ironblood.

The former British Royal Marine Captain is known by the codename "The Black Major" and is effectively Ironblood's second in command.

One notable feature of Red Shadow operations is the extreme level of fanaticism the Shadows exhibit - frequently they commit suicide rather than submit to capture.

*Vagan may have been another alias