SKIP Special Action Force Officer Filename: Campbell, Grant J. CAPTAIN SKIP is the former head of a worldwide corporation and an international playboy. Coming from a family long successful in busines and government, he wanted to prove his worth beyond his ancestral ties. He graduated first at Officers' Training College, transitioned to the Second Battalion Parachute Regiment (2 Para), was chosen to join the SAF (Special Action Force), and eventually became division head of Z Force, overseeing all their infantry, armor and artillery operations. CAPTAIN SKIP knows the best way to get the optimum out of his units is to inspire each individual to progress to the absolute peak of their ability. This is why he never misses a chance to directly lead mission in the field against The Black Major and his RED SHADOWS army, right alongside his troops. From Captain "Eagle" Buckingham's Files: "As a fellow commanding officer, I know that CAPTAIN SKIP gets results by not accepting second best from any of his soldiers." A tribute to the classic 1983 Skip figure. |