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MOBAT or Z Force Tank?

Posted: 09 Apr 2010 08:21
by Red Laser
I saw on Cobrastickers site they have Z Force decals and MOBAT ones so which one do I decorate my tank as?


Re: MOBAT or Z Force Tank?

Posted: 09 Apr 2010 11:31
by gung-hoeddie
it can only be the mighty Z Force.

Re: MOBAT or Z Force Tank?

Posted: 09 Apr 2010 21:32
by Sundance
make it a Z tank, just not the Z Battle Tank

Re: MOBAT or Z Force Tank?

Posted: 09 Apr 2010 22:03
by The Kraken Wakes
the z tank decals from cobrastickers are fantastic and I would go for them

as a side note they have just listed wolverine stickers also...

Re: MOBAT or Z Force Tank?

Posted: 09 Apr 2010 23:15
by steve2477
This would look great as a new Z Tank, een maybe a Red Shadows tank.

Re: MOBAT or Z Force Tank?

Posted: 09 Apr 2010 23:34
by Andy1672
Paint it red !!!!!!!!!!

Re: MOBAT or Z Force Tank?

Posted: 10 Apr 2010 09:14
by Red Laser
I would like the Cobra Crimson tank which would make a great Red Shadow tank. I got an e-mail from CobraStickers saying they are doing movie toyline stickers now as well.

I have ordered the Z Force sheet which are only $5 with shipping it comes to $15 so I recommend anyone wanting these get them while stocks last as they don't always get the same decals in for months.