Episode 1"Summoning of Heroes " Reviewed
Review done by: jamarmiller
G.I. Joe extremes first episode titled the Summoning of Heroes does something that no other Joe series had ever done and that is show the team being assembled and becoming a GI JOE team. This episode not only shows that but show their first mission together.
The episode opens up with Iron Klaw walking into a computer room to get a situation report on SKARs latest operation. Inferno, Rampage, and Wreckage all report success.
Iron Klaw is happy and exclaims “SKAR will reign supremeâ€!
It is interesting to note that the three Henchmen are representative of 3 very famous and classic monster characters. Rampage is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Wreckage is Frankenstein and Inferno is the devil / Trickster. Fortunately, as the series progress, they will become very cool villains with a lot of characterization and history involved.
After the situation report we cut Kalistan the fictional European country of Count Von Rani which will be the backdrop of many many episodes. Count Von Rani is welcoming a group of scientist and thier families and friends, to the first Scientific Conference in Kalistan when suddenly a squadrons of SKAR forces attack under the leadership of Wreckage. S.K.A.R. troopers seize the scientist and their families and leave.
Later in Count Von Ranis' Chamber, we see Count Von Rani himself looking out of a window contemplating the day’s events. In walks a Soldier in the S.K.A.R. Troopers design he salutes Cont Von Rani and begins to talk by saying “Iron Klawâ€, when suddenly Von Rani punches and knocks down the soldier. Count Von Rani is furious and tells the others to deal with him. No one is to mention Iron Klaws name in Cont Von Rani Chamber, but why?
Cont Von Rani walks to a secret door and enters into an elevator that leads to a subbasement level underneath the Castle, In the elevator we learn why no one is to mention IRON KLAW in Count Von Ranis’ chamber, because Von Rani is IRON KLAW! When the door opens he has changed into Iron Klaw and he enters the underground base to the chant of IRON KLAW by his SKAR TROOPERS!
In another part of the world we cut to an S.K.A.R. trooper getting thrown across the room and knocked out along with a whole squad of S.K.A.R. Troopers. The camera pans over to LT. Stone and Sgt. Savage. They appear to have been working together for quite sometime now and they do it well. The Scar troopers are no match for the two man team. Once all the SKAR troopers are defeated a door opens and a man in a suit appears. His name is Clancy and he tells the LT and Sgt. That this was just a small part of the operation. Interesting to note Clancy must have been watching Lt Stone and Sgt Savage for quite some time now as he knows them both and wants them to lead his new team of Joes.
Sgt Savage and Lt. Stone go with Clancy on a limo ride to hear more of what Clancy has to say. As the Limo goes by a man in black spies on the limo and silently grabs a hold of the limo and hides underneath it. Clancy briefs the two on the IRON CLAW and SKAR and he tells them that the Inter Alliance needs a team to combat SKAR. As they enter Clancy’s secret base located underneath a barn Lt. Stone says we don’t work for suits, and Clancy responds “Just hear me Outâ€. Once in the base they go to the computers where we see for the first time Metal Head at the computers. Who briefs them on the latest efforts of SKAR.
Lt. Stone says we need to get Black Dragon , when suddenly the man in black jumps down with swords Drawn!. Clancy yells intruder alert! But Sgt. Savage just says relax this joker is Black Dragon. Sgt Savage then chimes in and recommends that they need more specialist if their going to kick SKARs butt. Metal Head pops up and says he wants to be counted. Clancy assures them that Lt. Stone will be able to pick the team and that he will make sure they have the equipment, the support personnel, and the best Pilot in the Inter-alliance. Lt Stone and Sgt. Savage at first are totally against the idea but when they see what Mayday can do with the limo they reluctantly agree telling Clancy that is his last contribution.
Lt. Stone and Sgt. Savage split up to recruit 2 more operatives. In a County fair, Lt. Stone accompanied by Mayday recruit Ballistic (later to have his code name changed to Eagle Eye due to a security leak).
Sgt. Savage Recruits the best Navy Seal Har.poo.n who just thwarted a SKAR attempt to Kidnap some more scientist on an Oil Rig.
Later they team members all meet up on a secret Island later to be referred to as Joe ISLAND . This island would also serve as their military base for the rest of season 1.
On the island now stands 7 Elite soldiers, Lt. Stone, Sgt Savage, Black Dragon, Metal Head, Mayday ,Harp.oon ,and Ballistic / Eagle Eye. Mayday points out that their a little short for a 3 man team simultaneous strike force, when Quick Stryke joins the team much to Lt Stones dismay and distrust of him as a mercenary ( See episode 3 Point of Honor as to why).
Back at the SKARs base where the scientist is being held Iron Klaw threatens the scientist with making their families suffer if he is not pleased. When he leaves the scientist decide that blowing up the weapon their working on with themselves is the only way. Their death would be a sacrifice to end Iron Klaw Tyranny!
Elsewhere simultaneously we see the 3 teams of Joes launch their attacks to rescue the Scientist families. The first team consists of Mayday Harp.oon and Metal head and they attack Rampages Factory. In the mist of Fiery rage Rampage sees Mayday for the first time and her beauty stops him in his tracks and he proclaims he is in love!
Team two, teams up, Black Dragon and Quick Stryke against Wreckage. And team 3 consists of Lt. Stone , Sgt Savage and Eagle eye whose target is a Jungle base ran by Inferno. After all 3 teams are successful in their assaults . Lt Stone and Sgt Savage return to the Island to get transportation and head to the main SKAR BASE where the scientist are being held telling the team to back them up. The team responds and are on their way to take out SKAR.
Once the battle erupts, things don’t look to good for the Joes against such superior numbers and odds but when things are just looking down the get reinforcements from a Parachuting Freight who is just enough to turn the battle in the Joes favor.
Lt, Stone goes hand to hand with Iron claw and fights to a standstill with neither besting the other, The scientist tell the Joes the weapon will blow in 60 seconds prompting all parties to ditch the base.
Iron Klaw watches his base blow up standing on a retreating Submarine and promise those responsible will suffer terribly, suffer horribly!
The Joes return to base and get ready to leave with their operation a complete success. But Clancy tells them their still needed because SKAR is far from being defeated. They agree and Clancy tells them that their code name will be GI JOE !
Metal head says “ Extreme dude totally extreme!
Thus ends the first episode.
Finale comments: This is a great first episode for many reasons there is a lot established in this episode from both the main cast of the Joes and the SKAR soldiers. We learn Rampages only real weaknesses and that is his love for Mayday. We actually get to see a GI JOE team being formed as well.
This episode is also written by the famous Buzz Dixon who also wrote the bible for this series, as well as being one of the main forces behind the original Sunbow GI JOE A Real American Heroe series
A great episode to start a great series
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Part 3
- jamarmiller
- I am Wilder Vaughn, I am the Black Major
- Posts: 3923
- Joined: 07 Mar 2005 15:58
- Location: Fukuoka Japan---TAMPA Florida
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- jamarmiller
- I am Wilder Vaughn, I am the Black Major
- Posts: 3923
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Episode 2 "Serious Leg Work" Summarized & Reviewed by Jamar Miller
This ep was very good, a very nicely done Character spot light episode on Mayday. My all time favorite Joe female.
Julia Jane Lewald, the episode's writer, clearly is at her best when writting this episode kudos to her on a job well done.
After being injured on her last mission,( which is shown in a life action sequence, which I have to say I never did like) Extreme's master pilot, Mayday, is out of action.
Just so happens that the Joes were developing a new, improved fusion engine for one of their vehicles and Iron Claw, wants that engine.
With Mayday in traction, she is left behind to guard
the base while the rest of the Joes leave on a mission.
Iron Claw picks the most opportune time to attck the Joe base, and sends the ruthless Inferno to do the job.
In case you aren't following the plot so far, Mayday's on her own. Sure, this me-against-the-world, thing's been done a bunch; but I can't remember it ever being this well-done. Inferno pulls off a grand Dennis Hopper-type performance that's very entertaining, and Mayday
gets to show off her remarkable resourcefulness. After
watching this episode, you may wonder, "Why the heck isn't she *leading* these guys?"
Inferno attacks Joe Island and Mayday does a Guerilla warfare type attacks on his forces. Inferno lays bombs all over the run way so that if the shows return they would be landing in a Death Trap. She manages to get the new helicopter up and running and uses it against inferno.
Eventually Inferno captures Mayday but she manages to reprogram one his if Zaps/ Skyreens and it turns on him. Mayday manages to also destroy the detinator to the explosives just in time for the joes to return.
Lt. Stone and the others return and congratulate Mayday and then they do the one real big mistake of the show and manage to make JOE ISLAND mobile. This is my only Gripe about the show ( well other than the whole ZAP/ Skyreen robots, I always hated those). Having a Island being made mobile is just stupid in my opinion.
Anyway other than that this is a great ep that is aimed at a higher age bracket than the current sigma six show (which is aimed pretty low). What is nice also is the animation quality. The animation detail is the best we have ever seen, and the shadowy detail is kind of like Aeon Flux.
The music is great and the SFX are superb. Extreme has some of the most involved gunfire sounds in cartoons. It's almost euphonic in a way. Inferno's "writer-assisted "mad streak really shows and this is almost as much of a character episode for him as it is Maydays. This episode is highly recommended as a character peice and the entire series only gets better.
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Part 2:
Part 3:
Episode 2 "Serious Leg Work" Summarized & Reviewed by Jamar Miller
This ep was very good, a very nicely done Character spot light episode on Mayday. My all time favorite Joe female.
Julia Jane Lewald, the episode's writer, clearly is at her best when writting this episode kudos to her on a job well done.
After being injured on her last mission,( which is shown in a life action sequence, which I have to say I never did like) Extreme's master pilot, Mayday, is out of action.
Just so happens that the Joes were developing a new, improved fusion engine for one of their vehicles and Iron Claw, wants that engine.
With Mayday in traction, she is left behind to guard
the base while the rest of the Joes leave on a mission.
Iron Claw picks the most opportune time to attck the Joe base, and sends the ruthless Inferno to do the job.
In case you aren't following the plot so far, Mayday's on her own. Sure, this me-against-the-world, thing's been done a bunch; but I can't remember it ever being this well-done. Inferno pulls off a grand Dennis Hopper-type performance that's very entertaining, and Mayday
gets to show off her remarkable resourcefulness. After
watching this episode, you may wonder, "Why the heck isn't she *leading* these guys?"
Inferno attacks Joe Island and Mayday does a Guerilla warfare type attacks on his forces. Inferno lays bombs all over the run way so that if the shows return they would be landing in a Death Trap. She manages to get the new helicopter up and running and uses it against inferno.
Eventually Inferno captures Mayday but she manages to reprogram one his if Zaps/ Skyreens and it turns on him. Mayday manages to also destroy the detinator to the explosives just in time for the joes to return.
Lt. Stone and the others return and congratulate Mayday and then they do the one real big mistake of the show and manage to make JOE ISLAND mobile. This is my only Gripe about the show ( well other than the whole ZAP/ Skyreen robots, I always hated those). Having a Island being made mobile is just stupid in my opinion.
Anyway other than that this is a great ep that is aimed at a higher age bracket than the current sigma six show (which is aimed pretty low). What is nice also is the animation quality. The animation detail is the best we have ever seen, and the shadowy detail is kind of like Aeon Flux.
The music is great and the SFX are superb. Extreme has some of the most involved gunfire sounds in cartoons. It's almost euphonic in a way. Inferno's "writer-assisted "mad streak really shows and this is almost as much of a character episode for him as it is Maydays. This episode is highly recommended as a character peice and the entire series only gets better.
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Part 3:
- jamarmiller
- I am Wilder Vaughn, I am the Black Major
- Posts: 3923
- Joined: 07 Mar 2005 15:58
- Location: Fukuoka Japan---TAMPA Florida
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Episode 3 "Point of Honor" Reviewed
The first several episodes of the GI Joe Extreme series are character focus episodes. Meaning the episode has a plot but it uses the characters past or personality to really flesh out the characters and the story. I personally love this and no other Joe series did this to such an extent. We really get to know the characters very well. They do this for all the Joes except the Joes resident ninja Black Dragon ironically, (and even some of the SKAR characters as well). This episode Point of Honor focuses on the DINOBOT character of the team Quick Stryke.
The episode opens up with Quick Stryke watching Mayday and Ballistic do maneuvers, when Lt. Stone steps up to Quick Stryke and lets him know that he will be watching him on this. In which Quick Stryke simply states "I wouldnÂft have it any other way Mon".
We next see the Joes somewhere that's very cold and has a lot of mountains being debriefed by Clancy on Operation Lock Smith (a nice military nod giving this mission a operation name IMVHO) over the radio. Radio transmissions are very bad despite Metal Head trying to clear it up.
Sgt. Savages questions Lt. Stone on letting Quick Stryke go and even lead this mission. Sgt. Savage does'nt trust Quick Stryke because ( as mentioned in Episode one ) he is a mercenary that stone does'nt want to have to watch his back on and for reasons that will be explained later in the show. Lt. Stone responds to Sgt. Savages reasonable doubts by saying "I need to know if I can trust him and now is a good time to find out"!-- it's a case of sooner better than later.
Quick Strykes Team consist of Ballistic, and the just off of the injured list, Mayday. Operation Lock Smiths mission is to find a abandoned Missile base and secure it before it's found by SKAR. It's not too long before they find it and enter the base to secure it.
The next scene takes us to Count Von Ranis Chamber; Count Von Rani is seen being debriefed by Clancy. (All inter alliance members are briefed on all Joe Operations and with Von Rani being Iron Claw in disguise it give SKAR an edge. Which would explain quite nicely a lot of why SKAR always shows up to fight the Joes. Once being debriefed on the Joes operation Von Rani changes into Iron Claw and contacts Inferno and sends the overly joyed Inferno after the missile base.
Back at the missile base Quick Stryke is disarming the missile silo by removing the targeting module, when Inferno attacks in force!
The Joes go out and counter attack but they are soon overwhelmed with Infernos superior numbers and firepower. Mayday who just recently injured her leg, ( In the previous episode, which by the way really shows the writers really cared about episode order and continuity. Episode 2 Serious leg work review can be found here ... 1136965747 )
and just came off of the injured list, runs under fire to one of the helicopters and rescues the Radio just in time as the helicopter is destroyed. Unfortunately the explosion knocks her over and she has hurt her leg that's still fragile, again. Quick Stryke orders Ballistic and Mayday away from the battle and to get to high ground where they can try to contact Lt. Stone. Ballistic and Mayday don't quite trust Quick Stryke either but reluctantly do as he says. Quick Stryke leaves saying he has a package to pick up.
Inferno captures the missile silo and, as Iron Klaw arrives in a Sky Stalker, discovers that Quick Stryke took the Targeting Module. Quick Stryke sees Iron Klaw arrive and we then begin to understand why the Joes do not trust Quick Stryke.
In a flashback we see Quick Stryke, in a Skar Uniform and his brother Johnathon who is also in a Skar uniform. His brother is in a chair tied down screaming, he breaks the chains and goes after Iron Klaw. Quick Stryke knocks his brother down before he gets the chance. ( To see the full story of Quick Stryke and Jonathan please check out thier profiles. Jonathans is here ... 1136939399
And Quick Stykes here: ... 1136937590) And then we cut back to modern day with Quick Stryke saying, "I have some unfinished business I have to take care of "!
Quick Stryke fights his way back to the silo base as Mayday and Ballistic fight their way to higher ground so they can call Lt. Stone for back up. Iron Klaw sees Quick Stryke heading toward him and Iron Klaw says to Inferno "Quick Stryke is returning to us" !
Mayday and Ballistic make contact with Lt. Stone and the cavalry is called in. Sgt. Savage is worried that Quick Styke is going to give the targeting module back to SKAR as he was last seen heading toward the silo.
As the Joes attack Quick stryke enters the inter area of the base and comes to Iron Klaw. Iron Klaw tells Quick Stryke to give him the targeting module while outside Lt. Stone manages to get past the SKAR Troopers and enter the Missile Silo base. Lt. Stone makes his way through the base and then comes across Quick Stryke and Iron Klaw!
Quick Stryke refuses to give the Iron Klaw what he wants and says he wants to stop Iron Klaw from making more people suffer like his brother. We then cut to another flashback that tells us that Johnathon Bama volunteered for Iron Klaws experiments to create the ultimate soldier. ( these experiments are what would later create Wreckage ). Johnathon wants to become the ultimate weapon for Skar and lead his forces to victory. The experiments go wary and result in Johnathons death ( for a full break down of the story see Johnathon Bamas profile in the S.K.A.R. forces section and Quick Stykes Profile in the Extreme Team section)
We then cut back to Quick Stryke in the modern day facing Iron Klaw and he says, "I wasn't trying to save you I was trying to save my brother!" and with that Quick Stryke fires on Iron Klaw and a firefight begins. Lt. Stone sees and hears all of this and knows that Quick Stryke is 100 percent GI Joe and helps him out. Unfortunately in the firefight Iron Klaw manages to snag the Targeting Module.
Quick Stryke then has a plan he plants bombs all around the base as Iron Klaw is preparing to launch the missiles. As the countdown begins and nears launch the bombs go off and causes a huge rockslide and avalanche that makes the Missile silo computers automatically shut off due to geological unsafe conditions. The missile silo base is buried under the avalanche and Iron Klaw and Inferno escape.
Later in the Air Cargo plane back to JOE ISLAND Lt. Stone Congratulates Quick Stryke on a job well done and Quick Stryke sipping on a cup of hot Joe responds "Just completed the mission, what did you expect !" Lt. Stone smiles and says Good job!
Read the review? want to watch it! check it out here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
The first several episodes of the GI Joe Extreme series are character focus episodes. Meaning the episode has a plot but it uses the characters past or personality to really flesh out the characters and the story. I personally love this and no other Joe series did this to such an extent. We really get to know the characters very well. They do this for all the Joes except the Joes resident ninja Black Dragon ironically, (and even some of the SKAR characters as well). This episode Point of Honor focuses on the DINOBOT character of the team Quick Stryke.
The episode opens up with Quick Stryke watching Mayday and Ballistic do maneuvers, when Lt. Stone steps up to Quick Stryke and lets him know that he will be watching him on this. In which Quick Stryke simply states "I wouldnÂft have it any other way Mon".
We next see the Joes somewhere that's very cold and has a lot of mountains being debriefed by Clancy on Operation Lock Smith (a nice military nod giving this mission a operation name IMVHO) over the radio. Radio transmissions are very bad despite Metal Head trying to clear it up.
Sgt. Savages questions Lt. Stone on letting Quick Stryke go and even lead this mission. Sgt. Savage does'nt trust Quick Stryke because ( as mentioned in Episode one ) he is a mercenary that stone does'nt want to have to watch his back on and for reasons that will be explained later in the show. Lt. Stone responds to Sgt. Savages reasonable doubts by saying "I need to know if I can trust him and now is a good time to find out"!-- it's a case of sooner better than later.
Quick Strykes Team consist of Ballistic, and the just off of the injured list, Mayday. Operation Lock Smiths mission is to find a abandoned Missile base and secure it before it's found by SKAR. It's not too long before they find it and enter the base to secure it.
The next scene takes us to Count Von Ranis Chamber; Count Von Rani is seen being debriefed by Clancy. (All inter alliance members are briefed on all Joe Operations and with Von Rani being Iron Claw in disguise it give SKAR an edge. Which would explain quite nicely a lot of why SKAR always shows up to fight the Joes. Once being debriefed on the Joes operation Von Rani changes into Iron Claw and contacts Inferno and sends the overly joyed Inferno after the missile base.
Back at the missile base Quick Stryke is disarming the missile silo by removing the targeting module, when Inferno attacks in force!
The Joes go out and counter attack but they are soon overwhelmed with Infernos superior numbers and firepower. Mayday who just recently injured her leg, ( In the previous episode, which by the way really shows the writers really cared about episode order and continuity. Episode 2 Serious leg work review can be found here ... 1136965747 )
and just came off of the injured list, runs under fire to one of the helicopters and rescues the Radio just in time as the helicopter is destroyed. Unfortunately the explosion knocks her over and she has hurt her leg that's still fragile, again. Quick Stryke orders Ballistic and Mayday away from the battle and to get to high ground where they can try to contact Lt. Stone. Ballistic and Mayday don't quite trust Quick Stryke either but reluctantly do as he says. Quick Stryke leaves saying he has a package to pick up.
Inferno captures the missile silo and, as Iron Klaw arrives in a Sky Stalker, discovers that Quick Stryke took the Targeting Module. Quick Stryke sees Iron Klaw arrive and we then begin to understand why the Joes do not trust Quick Stryke.
In a flashback we see Quick Stryke, in a Skar Uniform and his brother Johnathon who is also in a Skar uniform. His brother is in a chair tied down screaming, he breaks the chains and goes after Iron Klaw. Quick Stryke knocks his brother down before he gets the chance. ( To see the full story of Quick Stryke and Jonathan please check out thier profiles. Jonathans is here ... 1136939399
And Quick Stykes here: ... 1136937590) And then we cut back to modern day with Quick Stryke saying, "I have some unfinished business I have to take care of "!
Quick Stryke fights his way back to the silo base as Mayday and Ballistic fight their way to higher ground so they can call Lt. Stone for back up. Iron Klaw sees Quick Stryke heading toward him and Iron Klaw says to Inferno "Quick Stryke is returning to us" !
Mayday and Ballistic make contact with Lt. Stone and the cavalry is called in. Sgt. Savage is worried that Quick Styke is going to give the targeting module back to SKAR as he was last seen heading toward the silo.
As the Joes attack Quick stryke enters the inter area of the base and comes to Iron Klaw. Iron Klaw tells Quick Stryke to give him the targeting module while outside Lt. Stone manages to get past the SKAR Troopers and enter the Missile Silo base. Lt. Stone makes his way through the base and then comes across Quick Stryke and Iron Klaw!
Quick Stryke refuses to give the Iron Klaw what he wants and says he wants to stop Iron Klaw from making more people suffer like his brother. We then cut to another flashback that tells us that Johnathon Bama volunteered for Iron Klaws experiments to create the ultimate soldier. ( these experiments are what would later create Wreckage ). Johnathon wants to become the ultimate weapon for Skar and lead his forces to victory. The experiments go wary and result in Johnathons death ( for a full break down of the story see Johnathon Bamas profile in the S.K.A.R. forces section and Quick Stykes Profile in the Extreme Team section)
We then cut back to Quick Stryke in the modern day facing Iron Klaw and he says, "I wasn't trying to save you I was trying to save my brother!" and with that Quick Stryke fires on Iron Klaw and a firefight begins. Lt. Stone sees and hears all of this and knows that Quick Stryke is 100 percent GI Joe and helps him out. Unfortunately in the firefight Iron Klaw manages to snag the Targeting Module.
Quick Stryke then has a plan he plants bombs all around the base as Iron Klaw is preparing to launch the missiles. As the countdown begins and nears launch the bombs go off and causes a huge rockslide and avalanche that makes the Missile silo computers automatically shut off due to geological unsafe conditions. The missile silo base is buried under the avalanche and Iron Klaw and Inferno escape.
Later in the Air Cargo plane back to JOE ISLAND Lt. Stone Congratulates Quick Stryke on a job well done and Quick Stryke sipping on a cup of hot Joe responds "Just completed the mission, what did you expect !" Lt. Stone smiles and says Good job!
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Part 3:
- jamarmiller
- I am Wilder Vaughn, I am the Black Major
- Posts: 3923
- Joined: 07 Mar 2005 15:58
- Location: Fukuoka Japan---TAMPA Florida
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Episode 4 "Chips & a Cold Cold Drink " Reviewed
Review by :
Part one Nathan Samuel Branham (aka fatherlove)
Part Two : Jamar Miller
The animation part of the show starts out in the city of London with a British Police officer looking up in the sky...
As the screen fades We next see Metal Head for a few seconds...
After that, we see Lt. Stone talking to Har.poo.n. "Roger that, Tiger One. Tiger Shark, the operation is a go"
"Roger, we're on station standing by...which means someone else is having all the fun" Harp.oo.n responded, showing his love of excitement.
At Iron Klaw's Castle, we see Rampage and an assistant walking up to Iron Klaw.
"Rampage, you have the box?" Iron Klaw asked, only for Rampage to hand him the box. "It will do as you claim??"
"I bet my life on it..."Rampage said, slyly.
"Exactly what I had in mind" Iron Klaw said, threatingly, opening his communicator and telling one of his soldiers "Transfer one billion dollars to Rampage's Swiss Bank Account."
Iron Klaw reminds me of Darth Vader, how he very seldom-if ever-shows a sense of humor.
With this, Iron Klaw activates his chimney exit and walks into it.
"Everything is satisfactory" Iron Klaw says, happily.
"Things will never be satisfactory until the day I take over SKAR" Rampage said, opening the safe and looking inside. "The fool! He thinks he bought the only chip but I have the original plans. I'll use them to make more chips and sell them to the highest bidder. This enterprise is a gold mine."
Note:This shows that Rampage has aspirations to take over SKAR, which has been hinted at in other episodes of GI JOE EXTREME and would play out several times before the series ends.
Next, we see a helicopter manned by Metal Head flying overhead, Black Dragon is with him and ready to do some sneak in the night ninja work.
Black Dragon cuts through the castle window and sneaks inside, setting up an explosive. Within a few seconds, it explodes. "Alright!" Metal Head says with his surfer accent. "What's happening??" Rampage asks, frustrated, hearing the explosion.
We next see a knight-era suit of armor. Black Dragon opens the helmet and puts explosives inside. When the SKAR robots walk by the suit of armor, it explodes, destroying the robots. One Note :This shows Black Dragon's infiltration skills as a martial atist/ninja quite nicely.
We next see some SKAR troops walking by Black Dragon, who is hiding. Black Dragon looks at the safe and says, "Time to open the puzzle box." "Better living with cryptography." Metal Head said, humoursly.
We next see Rampage looking in the same safe and sees the plans are missing. He gets angry and turns into a raving mad terrorist out to kill someone or something!
"No! I don't believe it!" Rampage says, furiously, "Someone robbed me! You Fools find that chip!"
We next see Black Dragon standing outside the castle, throwing a grenade inside, destroying some SKAR equiptment. Black Dragon runs from the SKAR troopers and they fire at him, missing him but they eventually manage to get Black Dragon surrounded.
Metal Head screams "Oh yeah!!!" , saving Black Dragon and, Black Dragon hops into the helicopter. "You cut that pretty close." Black Dragon says, seriously.
"Still, man, I got your skin." Metal Head replied, reassuring Black Dragon. "We are outta here!"
"Sky stalkers, launch!" Rampage screamed angrily. We then see them launch. "What's your situation?" Lt. Stone asked, curiously. Metal Head replies. "We're glued to some Sky Stalkers and they ain't gonna go glassy."
We next hear the musical sequence that is one of the staples of the GI JOE EXTREME cartoon. The Sky Stalkers are chasing Metal Head and Black Dragon. Metal Head does some nice evasive flying (Mayday would be proud!) He then fires a missile, destroying a SKAR air vehicle.
"Ohh, you're having way too much fun." Black Dragon said, humourously, only to add with worry "Incoming! We're hit!"
Lt. Stone said with fright "Hang on!" , Ballistic and Mayday beside him. "Help is on the way!" "Whoaah, make it fast!" Metal Head said, worried. "We're hitting the bottom of the bay!"
Suddenly, we see a submarine emerge from the water.
and Harpoon ends up saving them, destroying the remaing SKAR threat. We then see Metal Head taking the plans and putting them in the computer to read them.
Next, Iron Klaw talks to Rampage about the chip, manipulating him into doing a "test run in twenty four hours."
Next, we see Metal Head talking in his "computer" language, confusing everyone (including me)
"Uhh, and what's that mean in English??" H.arp.o.on asked, curiously (I feel the same way.)
Next, we cut to Iron Klaw and Rampage in a submarine, taking down a very large boat.
End of the review for Part one by Father love
Part Two : By Jamar Miller
Back at Joe Island we hear the SOS if the she doomed ship. Lt Stone Realizes it’s in the area of the Inter Alliance secret meeting that will take place in the next day or two. Because the Inter alliance meeting is so secret they are on Radio Silence and so the Joes have to go to warn them in person.
Metal Head is the man with the plan and so he and Har.po.on go on a solo insertion operation of the S.K.A.R. sub while the other Joes go to warn the Inter Alliance meeting.
S.K.A.R. detects the Joes trying to warn the Inter Alliance ship ( which looks a lot like the USS Flag ) and starts the attack. When they launch the attack they give Metal Head the chance to get into the sub.
The Inter Alliance ( Again looks like The USS Flag ) ship is warned and starts to turn around before the main attack begins thus frustrating Rampage. Rampage orders the crew to run down the ship and destroy it!
Metal Head is in the Sub dressed in a Naval SKAR Uniform and after a little sneaking around he come across the computer chip. However he is quickly captured and imprisoned before he can do anything.
Luckily Metal Head is quite capable of taking care of himself and breaks out of his prison when Rampages leaves him and just about the same time as when the sub is bearing down on the USS FLAG.
Rampage is ready to give his victory speech as he fires on the Inter Alliance Air Craft Carrier, when the ray goes off mark and won’t even turn off! Metal Head can be proud of Job well done as he had hacked the ships computers and crashed the targeting mechanism. The ray hits the S.K.A.R. base that was hidden as a floating Iceberg before it bares down on its own submarine!
Chaos ensures with everyone trying to escape the sinking sub. Metal Head barely escapes the sub by launching himself out of one of the torpedo tubes. Har.poo.n Sees Metal head and goes to pick up his team mate.
Back on the ship Count Von Rani ( who watched all of this from the safety of his helicopter ) lands on he Inter Alliance Ship and congratulates Clancy , Lt. Stone, and his men on job well done.Lt. Stone just smiles and says “ Count on a Hacker when the chips are downâ€!
Some interesting things to note :
1. The ship looks like the USS FLAG ( I wish they would have just mentioned that really quick as it would have been a nice nod to the former series , that extreme was intended originally to be a direct continuation of.)
2. We get to see what SKAR Naval Troops look like. What’s nice about them is they wear no mask and all have individual faces which is a nice change from the faceless troops rout.
3. While the Joes foil S.K.A.R.s plan, Count Von Rani at the end is ready to enter the SECRET meeting that will take place. This is one of the cool things of GI JOE EXTREME, while the Joes Do win, in a way so does S.K.A.R.! IRON KLAW still learns all the secrets the Inter alliance was going to be talking about. So in a way the Bad guys still win. That is something we don’t see often in Joe Cartoons
4. This episodes beginning shows us for the first time the friendship of Metal Head and Black Dragon. This would play off even more in season 2 when Metal Head is suspected to be a traitor!
5. This episodes beginning also shows us nicely Black Dragons Skill as a ninja when he sneaks into Rampages place and steals the plans.
Final Thoughts:
All in All another good episode that does some nice globe trotting by starting off in London and finishes off in the TOP OF THE WORLD area. It also serves nicely as a character peice for Metal Head with threads that would continue in the second season.
Read the review? want to watch it! check it out here:
Part 1:
Part 2 :
Part 3:
Review by :
Part one Nathan Samuel Branham (aka fatherlove)
Part Two : Jamar Miller
The animation part of the show starts out in the city of London with a British Police officer looking up in the sky...
As the screen fades We next see Metal Head for a few seconds...
After that, we see Lt. Stone talking to Har.poo.n. "Roger that, Tiger One. Tiger Shark, the operation is a go"
"Roger, we're on station standing by...which means someone else is having all the fun" Harp.oo.n responded, showing his love of excitement.
At Iron Klaw's Castle, we see Rampage and an assistant walking up to Iron Klaw.
"Rampage, you have the box?" Iron Klaw asked, only for Rampage to hand him the box. "It will do as you claim??"
"I bet my life on it..."Rampage said, slyly.
"Exactly what I had in mind" Iron Klaw said, threatingly, opening his communicator and telling one of his soldiers "Transfer one billion dollars to Rampage's Swiss Bank Account."
Iron Klaw reminds me of Darth Vader, how he very seldom-if ever-shows a sense of humor.
With this, Iron Klaw activates his chimney exit and walks into it.
"Everything is satisfactory" Iron Klaw says, happily.
"Things will never be satisfactory until the day I take over SKAR" Rampage said, opening the safe and looking inside. "The fool! He thinks he bought the only chip but I have the original plans. I'll use them to make more chips and sell them to the highest bidder. This enterprise is a gold mine."
Note:This shows that Rampage has aspirations to take over SKAR, which has been hinted at in other episodes of GI JOE EXTREME and would play out several times before the series ends.
Next, we see a helicopter manned by Metal Head flying overhead, Black Dragon is with him and ready to do some sneak in the night ninja work.
Black Dragon cuts through the castle window and sneaks inside, setting up an explosive. Within a few seconds, it explodes. "Alright!" Metal Head says with his surfer accent. "What's happening??" Rampage asks, frustrated, hearing the explosion.
We next see a knight-era suit of armor. Black Dragon opens the helmet and puts explosives inside. When the SKAR robots walk by the suit of armor, it explodes, destroying the robots. One Note :This shows Black Dragon's infiltration skills as a martial atist/ninja quite nicely.
We next see some SKAR troops walking by Black Dragon, who is hiding. Black Dragon looks at the safe and says, "Time to open the puzzle box." "Better living with cryptography." Metal Head said, humoursly.
We next see Rampage looking in the same safe and sees the plans are missing. He gets angry and turns into a raving mad terrorist out to kill someone or something!
"No! I don't believe it!" Rampage says, furiously, "Someone robbed me! You Fools find that chip!"
We next see Black Dragon standing outside the castle, throwing a grenade inside, destroying some SKAR equiptment. Black Dragon runs from the SKAR troopers and they fire at him, missing him but they eventually manage to get Black Dragon surrounded.
Metal Head screams "Oh yeah!!!" , saving Black Dragon and, Black Dragon hops into the helicopter. "You cut that pretty close." Black Dragon says, seriously.
"Still, man, I got your skin." Metal Head replied, reassuring Black Dragon. "We are outta here!"
"Sky stalkers, launch!" Rampage screamed angrily. We then see them launch. "What's your situation?" Lt. Stone asked, curiously. Metal Head replies. "We're glued to some Sky Stalkers and they ain't gonna go glassy."
We next hear the musical sequence that is one of the staples of the GI JOE EXTREME cartoon. The Sky Stalkers are chasing Metal Head and Black Dragon. Metal Head does some nice evasive flying (Mayday would be proud!) He then fires a missile, destroying a SKAR air vehicle.
"Ohh, you're having way too much fun." Black Dragon said, humourously, only to add with worry "Incoming! We're hit!"
Lt. Stone said with fright "Hang on!" , Ballistic and Mayday beside him. "Help is on the way!" "Whoaah, make it fast!" Metal Head said, worried. "We're hitting the bottom of the bay!"
Suddenly, we see a submarine emerge from the water.
and Harpoon ends up saving them, destroying the remaing SKAR threat. We then see Metal Head taking the plans and putting them in the computer to read them.
Next, Iron Klaw talks to Rampage about the chip, manipulating him into doing a "test run in twenty four hours."
Next, we see Metal Head talking in his "computer" language, confusing everyone (including me)
"Uhh, and what's that mean in English??" H.arp.o.on asked, curiously (I feel the same way.)
Next, we cut to Iron Klaw and Rampage in a submarine, taking down a very large boat.
End of the review for Part one by Father love
Part Two : By Jamar Miller
Back at Joe Island we hear the SOS if the she doomed ship. Lt Stone Realizes it’s in the area of the Inter Alliance secret meeting that will take place in the next day or two. Because the Inter alliance meeting is so secret they are on Radio Silence and so the Joes have to go to warn them in person.
Metal Head is the man with the plan and so he and Har.po.on go on a solo insertion operation of the S.K.A.R. sub while the other Joes go to warn the Inter Alliance meeting.
S.K.A.R. detects the Joes trying to warn the Inter Alliance ship ( which looks a lot like the USS Flag ) and starts the attack. When they launch the attack they give Metal Head the chance to get into the sub.
The Inter Alliance ( Again looks like The USS Flag ) ship is warned and starts to turn around before the main attack begins thus frustrating Rampage. Rampage orders the crew to run down the ship and destroy it!
Metal Head is in the Sub dressed in a Naval SKAR Uniform and after a little sneaking around he come across the computer chip. However he is quickly captured and imprisoned before he can do anything.
Luckily Metal Head is quite capable of taking care of himself and breaks out of his prison when Rampages leaves him and just about the same time as when the sub is bearing down on the USS FLAG.
Rampage is ready to give his victory speech as he fires on the Inter Alliance Air Craft Carrier, when the ray goes off mark and won’t even turn off! Metal Head can be proud of Job well done as he had hacked the ships computers and crashed the targeting mechanism. The ray hits the S.K.A.R. base that was hidden as a floating Iceberg before it bares down on its own submarine!
Chaos ensures with everyone trying to escape the sinking sub. Metal Head barely escapes the sub by launching himself out of one of the torpedo tubes. Har.poo.n Sees Metal head and goes to pick up his team mate.
Back on the ship Count Von Rani ( who watched all of this from the safety of his helicopter ) lands on he Inter Alliance Ship and congratulates Clancy , Lt. Stone, and his men on job well done.Lt. Stone just smiles and says “ Count on a Hacker when the chips are downâ€!
Some interesting things to note :
1. The ship looks like the USS FLAG ( I wish they would have just mentioned that really quick as it would have been a nice nod to the former series , that extreme was intended originally to be a direct continuation of.)
2. We get to see what SKAR Naval Troops look like. What’s nice about them is they wear no mask and all have individual faces which is a nice change from the faceless troops rout.
3. While the Joes foil S.K.A.R.s plan, Count Von Rani at the end is ready to enter the SECRET meeting that will take place. This is one of the cool things of GI JOE EXTREME, while the Joes Do win, in a way so does S.K.A.R.! IRON KLAW still learns all the secrets the Inter alliance was going to be talking about. So in a way the Bad guys still win. That is something we don’t see often in Joe Cartoons
4. This episodes beginning shows us for the first time the friendship of Metal Head and Black Dragon. This would play off even more in season 2 when Metal Head is suspected to be a traitor!
5. This episodes beginning also shows us nicely Black Dragons Skill as a ninja when he sneaks into Rampages place and steals the plans.
Final Thoughts:
All in All another good episode that does some nice globe trotting by starting off in London and finishes off in the TOP OF THE WORLD area. It also serves nicely as a character peice for Metal Head with threads that would continue in the second season.
Read the review? want to watch it! check it out here:
Part 1:
Part 2 :
Part 3:
- jamarmiller
- I am Wilder Vaughn, I am the Black Major
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Episode # 5
Episode 5 "To Catch a Klaw " Reviewed
GI Joe Extreme
Episode 5: To Catch a Claw
Review Done by :
As with most of the first season episodes, this episode focuses on one of the characters of the Extreme team. This episodes character is Ballistic/Eagle Eye the ladies magnet of the team. In season 2 he gets another episode that is dedicated to him and The SILENCER and again another women is involved.
The episode begins with G.I. Joe Extreme infiltrating a S.K.A.R. bunker only to find that the target is in fact a trap. Ballistic/ Eagle Eye finds a laser sight that leads Lt. Stone to suspect Count Von Raney as the leak at Inter Alliance Command and a traitor. Stone confront Clancy, but Clancy won't allow them to investigate a Inter Alliance member. A decision the Lt. Stone doesnt agree with.
Lt. Stone, Ballistic and Mayday infiltrate Von Raney’s yearly coronation party at his party. Lt Stone wants to witness Von Raney’s reaction when Sgt Savage and his team attack a SKAR base.
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Upon arriving at the party Ballistic is recognized by a photographer at the door who then warns Von Raney of the Joe’s presence. Von Raney orders his security force to track down the Joe intruders, then dons his Iron Claw disguise and orders his Skar forces to come to Von Raney’s Castle to attack the Joes.
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Mayday is quickly captured by Von Raney’s security forces; meanwhile we learn that Ballistic knew the photographer at the door from his Special Forces days. Ballistic was supposed to take the photographer on a raid, but left her behind because she could pose a distraction. Once SKAR troops arrive they take Mayday from Von Raney’s security forces and demand that the other two Joes give themselves up.
Ballistic manages to make it to the castle grounds and begins fighting his way back in to rescue Lt. Stone and Mayday. Once joined together back together Lt. Stone, Ballistic, and Mayday lead the guests to safety. While the Joes are rescuing the guests Von Raney sneaks away to don his Iron Claw disguise and lead his troops against the Joes.
As soon as Joe reinforcements arrive Iron Claw orders his troops to retreat. Iron Claw sneaks off to change back to Baron Von Raney, but not without a witness.
Ballistics’ photographer friend shows up just in time to see the transformation from Iron Claw to Count Von Raney. The episode ends with Ballistic vowing to keep an eye on Count Von Raney.
Note: In ARAH style the episode ends with a Sgt. Savage in a PSA teaching kids not to tell strangers when they are home alone.
Note By Jamar Miller : This episode would see repercussions in a couple of episodes that include Extend a helping Klaw and Coup of the Klaw. This episode may be also one of the logical reason why Ballistics code name was changed to Eagle Eye in the second season. His security/ History was compromised making it easier for Iron Klaw to access his records when he was taking over Washington. So a new code name was required.
Also I find it interesting that the reporter is never mentioned by name, just referred to as "The Reporter".
It would be interesting to me if in the script she was given a name or not.
Read the review? curious to watch it now?
Then catch the entire episode in the links below
Part one
Part two
Part three:
Episode #6
Episode 6 "Relics " Reviewed
G.I. Joe Extreme Episode 6 Relics:
Live Opening
I can recall seeing any other animated series with the live-action opening sequences like GIJoe Extreme had. While short I think they're a pretty neat idea. In this one Sgt. Savage squares off against a skyrene in a training simulation. The CG and blue-screen work isn't great by today's standards, but for 1995 AND on a cartoon it's pretty d**ned impressive.
Rampage breaks an old Iron Army cryogenic scientist out of jail . Note that he is referred to as the last of the Old Iron Army ( Note this is a reference to Sgt. Savage and the screaming eagles toyline as The bad guys were the Iron Army with General Blitz ). Clany notifies the Joes and once Sgt. Savage hears the name Dr. Gerbin he remembers many bad memories.
Skar unearths a frozen general of Genghis Khan's. Iron Klaw convinces Dr. Gerbin to revive Agra Khan.
Savage and Ballistic bust in and trash the lab.. Mayday cleans up outside while Savage and Ballistic pursue the escaping Iron Klaw. Savage hops onboard Klaw's escape plane and hides. Rampage shows Dr. Gerbin to a new lab where they big reviving Khan again. Savage has a flashback about his own freezing process when he sees Khan reanimated.
Khan and Savage duke it out with swords. Gerbin helps Savage re-freeze Khan in a cryochamber and now we find out Savage used to have a wife and child.
Dr. Gerber is recaputured and sent back to prison.
This is done largely by the same crew that voiced the Mainframe Beast Wars series, and the quality of the voice direction shows. Granted, some of the lines are pretty cheezy, but they're delivered well and in character.
The animation is pretty consistent, even compared to cartoons now. There is a little recycled animation, but not too much. Some cases of wonky perspectives are noticeable on a few of the background animations, however, it doesn't detract from the story.
Last thoughts
There is a lot of story for a 20 minute episode, and some of the flashback stuff doesn't make much sense because it's a little too short. I think this story could have been done better as a two-part episode and replacing Agra Khan with something a little more believable. However, it does provide some interesting insight into Savage's past and works pretty well in that regard.
Jamar would like to add that it is here in this episode that we learn for the first time that Sgt. Savage had a wife and child.
Review was done courtesy of obsidian3d
Read the review? seen the special notes want to watch this epiosde ? then go to the links below to watch GI JOE EXTREME EPISODE 6 : RELICS
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Episode #7
Episode 7 "Dawn's Oily Light" Reviewed
Review Done by :
As with the majority of the first season episodes this is another Character Driven Episode, one that would focus on the Joes Resident Navy S.E.A.L. Har.poo.n.
Episode 7 starts with Iron Claw’s forces led by Rampage are working to halt the worlds oil supply (reminisant of ARAH Cobra Stops the World).
Next, we cut to Har.poo.n, Metal Head and Black Dragon fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. After being warned of an approaching hurricane the trio is on their way back to shore when they witness an oil rig explosion. When checking out the wreckage a new oil rig rises up out of the depths of the sea and attacks the Joes fishing boat. Har.poo.n manages to escape, but Metal Head and Black Dragon are captured and sent to the brig.
Har.poo.n sneaks onto the SKAR oil rig to rescue his friends. Iron Claw order Rampage to destroy the oil rig and to leave the area, however Rampage’s greed gets the better of him and he begins loading a tanker with oil. Har.poo.n manages to arm himself with a water cannon and goes on the offensive. Once Har.poo.n rescues Black Dragon and Metal Head they begin fighting their way back to their boat to radio for help.
Due to the storm they find that they are not able to radio for help. Our trio of heroes next turns their attention to attacking the S.K.A.R. oil rig where Metal Head is able to steal the main computers CPU. With the CPU gone the oil platform is crippled and unable to resubmerge or to disconnect from the oil tanker.
Har.poo.n and Rampage end up fighting it out over the CPU which results in the CPU going overboard. Seeing that the CPU is out of his grasp, Rampage escapes in a jettison pod.
Our three heroes are left to brave the sea in an inflatable life raft until they are rescued by Lt. Stone. However Har.thingy is not quite ready to go, as he is in the middle of pulling in a big one. In which Metal Head and Black Dragon simply respond by throwing him over board !
Now you can watch this episode in 3 parts here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Episode #8
Episode 8 "Crawling from the Wreckage" Reviewed
Crawling from the Wreckage[/center]
Review done by: C.I.A.D.
Note: This is the 1st of 3 episodes that would revolve around the Freight and Wreckage storyline.
High over Earth, a Satellite orbits, undisturbed…..Yet, on Terra Firma, evil is lurking. From a remote encampment in the Jungle, Rampage & Inferno, Iron Klaw’s evil henchmen, are tracking the Satellite. Rampage, while locking on to the co-ordinates of the orbiting technology, explains to Inferno exactly what they’re dealing with.
“That is the Equalizer…a Powerful Laser with the power to crush our enemy…even lock on & destroy their missiles in their own silos!â€
Rampage locks on to the Equalizer…and prepares to bring it back into Earth’s atmosphere so that it can be captured and delivered to Iron Klaw.
Inferno, ever the impatient one, knocks Rampage out of the way and begins to “bang away†at the computer console. In doing so, he overload’s the Equalizer with a back feed of power that brings the satellite crashing down to Earth.
“YOU IDIOT!†Rampage yells out. How would he explain this to Klaw, he asks…â€Without that Satellite, Klaw won’t pay me…and if he won’t pay, you will!â€
In a flash, Rampages temper gets the best of him…but in vein, as Inferno is already “leaving†(more like escaping, coward) in search of the Satellite. Rampage demands that Inferno come back and take his medicine, but while Inferno is retreating, Iron Klaw appears on a tele-monitor in the background.
“Rampage, what is the status of my satelliteâ€, the fearsome Leader bellowed.
“Inferno interfered, and we lost itâ€, Rampage exclaimed, pure fear in his eye.
Iron Klaw is enraged. He tells Rampage that he will handle this is own way, and contacts a new character to the storyline. WRECKAGE.
“Wreckage†Iron Klaw calls out.
A behemoth of a man, Wreckage responds, ready to answer the call of his Master. ( It is interesting to note he is reading LES MISERABELS )
“There is a satellite that is capable of great power. Help me find it, and we will use it to seek revenge on your enemies!†Klaw states.
“Revenge? On the military? I will be on my way at onceâ€, Wreckage responds.
Meanwhile, at the G.I.Joe Headquarters, Metal Head is also tracking the fallen Satellite.
Duuuude, I got it, Metal Head says as Lt. Stone walks towards him.
After some snide commentary, from Lt. Stone, he turns to Black Dragon, Quick Strike & Freight and gave them their mission orders. “Find that Satellite. We can’t let Klaw get his hands on it. It’s too powerful. Destroy it if you must.â€
As they move out, Freight turns to Stone and says “see you in the end zoneâ€.
“I’m counting on itâ€, Lt. Stone replies.
As our heroes are deployed into the jungle…they’re attacked from behind by INFERNO!
As the battle is raging on..something…someone…catches Freight’s eye.
“YOU†Freight bellows in a fearsome tone.
It’s Wreckage…a pure Powerhouse of an opponent, with a massive Cybernetic arm giving him unmatched power.
Inferno sees who’s entered the fray
Inferno calls for an immediate retreat, leaving the Joes to face this Monster of an enemy.
Freight looks to his teammates and says “GO FIND THAT SATELLITE! I CAN TAKE CARE OF THIS MYSELFâ€
Wreckage, as you would naturally assume, disagrees with this statement whole-heartedly.
Then, without warning, Wreckage begins to fire plasma rounds from his fingertips! Freight tackles him, and a furious battle ensues, followed by an explosion that knocks out everyone on the battlefield.
As the Joes reawaken, they see that Wreckage is gone. Shaken, they gather their strength and go after the Satellite, hoping they haven’t lost the race.
Wreckage, now deep in the jungle, collapses in pain as what appears to be a short circuit in his cybernetic arm brings the behemoth crashing to the ground.
Wreckage blacks out and flashes back to a time when he was in the military, during a war. A bomb explodes right in front of Wreckage…and he is not seen after the explosion.
We shift to a hospital operating room, where wreckage is wrapped in bandages, being hovered over by a doctor and a General in the background.
“Don’t worryâ€, the General says. “We’re going to save you. We’re going to make you into the Ultimate Soldierâ€.
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The Doctor leans over the badly hurt G.I….and the experiment gone wrong begins.
Wreckage awakens and stumbles over to a mirror. He cannot believe what he sees. “WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME†He yells.
The General, observing from a window behind the door of the room that Wreckage is confined to, looks pleased.
As the General walks away, through the shadows…we learn that his shadowy figure isn’t a general at all…it’s IRON KLAW!
Soon Iron Klaw stages a break out for our tormented friend. Iron Klaw invites Wreckage to join him and together they will get revenge on the Military!
Wreckage awakens from his black out, and finds a little old man and a small girl watching over him. Wreckage awakens in anger, and grabs the old man by his shirt and lifts him in the air.
“WHERE AM I?†Wreckage yells to the old man.
“You…you were hurt and we brought you hereâ€, the poor man says in fear.
“Please, let my grandpapa goâ€, the young girl cries out. “He has done nothing to youâ€.
Wreckage, realizing that these humble people pose no threat to him, lowers the old man.
“I am Ernesto, this is my grand daughter, Miraâ€, the man says to Wreckage.
Wreckage, unsure of why they would help him, asks if they have motives that they haven’t disclosed.
“Well yes, we need your help†says Ernesto.
“Our village is in danger of flooding, a man of your size and strength could be a big help to usâ€.
“Oh please, mister, please†asks Mira.
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With slight hesitation, Wreckage agrees to help the villagers build the dam. It’s quite obvious that they wouldn’t be able to do it without him. Wreckage alone does the work of three men, and the dam is nearly completed.
As Wreckage goes to place the final piece in place, he stops to reflect on the good he’s accomplished by helping the villagers.
Mira walks to him, and they approach the dam, final piece in hand.
However, our story takes an ironic turn. As wreckage goes to place the final piece in place, he notices something…something used as part of the dam.
“IT’S THE SATELLITE†Wreckage exclaims. “DID YOU PUT THAT THERE?†he asks Mira.
“Oh yes, we found it in the jungle and used it as part of the damâ€.
Wreckage remembers why he’s there, and remembers his loyalty to not only Iron Klaw, but to the idea of seeking revenge on the Military that turned him into the Monster he is today…little does he know it was Klaw who did this to him.
Wreckage begins to shake the Satellite violently, trying to rip it from the dam.
“NOâ€, yells Mira “Please, if you take that the whole dam will collapse and my village will be lost! Please don’t do it, senorâ€.
Wreckage pays no mind to the girl, as he knows that he has been sent to retrieve the Satellite…and nothing else will be acceptable.
He then pauses…and realizes that what he is doing is wrong. He can’t hurt the same people who have helped him.
All of a Sudden, the Joes finally appear! Not realizing that Wreckage is actually helping the villagers, they move in to take Wreckage out. A fierce battle ensues, and the village is in danger of being destroyed by the combatants.
While the battle is raging on…Inferno swoops in, and attacks both factions!
“I’ll be taken this back to Klaw, Inferno proclaimsâ€, and begins to go after the Satellite…with the dam now near collapse.
Inferno grabs young Mira, and says “I have a hostage…I win!â€.
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Wreckage, seeing his poor young friend in danger, disengages from his hand to hand battle with Freight and goes after Inferno, causing Inferno not only to retreat, but causing the destruction of the Satellite as well.
With the dam at the point of failure, Freight lends Wreckage a hand, and they work together to save the village from a watery fate. The Joes move out, knowing the battle has been won.
We’re left with a final scene of Ernesto & Mira inviting Wreckage to stay with them in their village, where he will be part of the family.
Wreckage, feeling less than a man for what “the military†has done to him, explains that he can never be normal…â€I am just a wreckage of a manâ€, he says solemnly…and walks away.
Fade to black
My thoughts – I enjoyed this episode a lot! The introduction of Wreckage was quite intriguing, as we learn that it was Iron Klaw who turned him into the walking weapon he is today. Will he ever find out it was Klaw and join the Joes? Time will only tell, I guess. One thing I notice, and really like about Extreme…is the diverse selection of characters. The mission roster included a Jamaican, an African American & a Frenchman. Now who says G.I.Joe aren’t international heroes?
I’m looking forward to part 2 of this story,( Winner Takes All) as we’ll see the development of Wreckage’s character and where the storyline takes him. Until then, that is all, carry on!
Note: Again This is the 1st of 3 episodes that would revolve around the Freight and Wreckage storyline. The second Episode would be “Winner Takes all†, which can be found here ... 1136958285 and then it would include in season 2 with the 3rd episode spotlighting these two and their storyline in “ Wreckage Revenge†which can be found here: ... 1136940314 complete with Scans of the complete script for the episode.
Now you can watch this episode in 3 parts here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Episode #9
Ep. 9 "Extend a Helping Klaw" Reviewed+Storyboad
Review by : Nathan Samuel Branham (aka fatherlove)
This episode like most of the first season episodes is a character focused episode. This episode focuses on Lt. Stone, the Joes Leader. Read on and see why this guy is No DUKE.
The animated part of the episode starts off with us seeing a door platform rise from the ground with Iron Klaw, Rampage and a few others walking outside.
"This new device of yours had better be worth my time" Iron Klaw said with his usual intimidating voice.
"Would I call you here if it wasn’t?" Rampage asked, slyly.
"You had better be right" Iron Klaw said, impatiently. "I do not suffer interruptions lightly. What does this...device do?"
"Well, it doesn’t do anything."
"What???" Iron Klaw asked, angrily.
Rampage explains that this is an "explosive gas", only for Iron Klaw to become very, very frustrated.
Rampage then fires at some sunflowers, all to no avail. Iron Klaw is furious and so does Rampage.
Rampage lets Iron Klaw know that he is planning to attack the Inter-Alliance meeting, making everyone a bomb. Iron Klaw forbids it and leaves (after all, he is Count Von Ranni, a member of the Inter-Alliance.)
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After Iron Klaw leaves, the sunflowers start to glow and explode, causing Rampage to want to continue his mission against the Inter Alliance. We then see Rampage, and his S.K.A.R. Forces heading to their destination.
At the Inter-Alliance meeting, we see Clancy talking to Stone about security(Mayday is also there) Count Von Ranni arrives in a helicopter and is angry when he finds out Rampage is attacking, despite that Iron Klaw gave him orders not to attack. Count Von Ranni almost reveals that he is Iron Klaw with his anger but calms down.
We next see Von Ranni's helicopter explode when he questions how dangerous Rampage could become (not knowing that the explosive gas now works)
We next see various Extreme members facing Rampage and his S.K.A.R. forces and defeating them. I like this episode because we see the disadvantages of Iron Klaw having two separate identities. We also see the Infighting that happens often between Rampage and Iron Klaw.
Clancy goes inside, calling Von Ranni inside but it is very obvious that Von Ranni (Iron Klaw) is still very angry with Rampage.
In the Episodes musical sequence, we see many robots being destroyed by Lt Stone's tank and various other ways.
Rampage plans to shoot Von Ranni with the explosive gas gun, not knowing Von Ranni is Iron Klaw. However, Lt Stone jumps in front of Von Ranni, taking the hit instead. I like this part because it has been obvious over the episodes that Von Ranni and Stone don’t like each other and yet...Stone took a hit for Von Ranni. Stone starts to glow like the sunflowers, showing us that he has become very "explosive"
"You should’ve stayed out of my way, hero" Rampage says to Stone, still planning on firing at Von Ranni. However, Von Ranni has disappeared.
Count Von Ranni shows concern for Lt Stone, which surprises Stone (and me too) However, we all know it was mostly an act. Von Ranni walks away and Iron Klaw appears later.
Iron Klaw chastises Rampage for attacking the Inter-Alliance, telling Rampage that his sources told him about Rampage attacking. Iron Klaw tells Rampage that he is "expendable"
"Expendable???" Rampage asked, angrily. "I'll show him I'm nobody's flunky!"
We then see a doctor talking to Lt Stone about his body scan, telling Stone that he is turning into a "living bomb" and that he is not sure about the time limit.
Note by Jamar Miller: In the picture below we see Har.poo.n without a shirt underneath his vest, Usually he has a blue shirt but here he is shirtless
The Extreme members talk about going to Rampage but Stone convinces them that it is more important to destroy the gas. Von Ranni tells them that he knows where a "SKAR lab" is and this really surprised me. Was Von Ranni only doing this because he knew Rampage had become a bigger threat than he expected? Was it because he has some good in him? Nahhhh...
Anyway, Lt Stone questions how Von Ranni knew about the lab but Von Ranni quickly explains that he intended to reveal this in the Inter-Alliance meeting (NOT!)
The Extreme members get excited about going to face Rampage but Lt Stone convinces them that he should go alone, not wanting to put them in danger with his explosive nature
We then see Lt Stone destroying tanks and we see Rampage running away, bragging that the tank cannot reach him.
[center]Here is a story board to the episode[/center]
However, it does break through and Lt Stone faces Rampage.
"I'm here, Rampage! My days may be numbered but I'm taking you and your gas with me!" Lt Stone yells, bravely.
However, he falls down, apparently weak from the explosive gas in his body. He is glowing, brighter than ever, making us wonder if he is about to die.
After the commercial break, Lt Stone stands up and runs away, still somewhat weak.
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We then see some of the Extreme members destroying numerous robots. After they take out the Attack Force, Sgt Savage gives orders for all of them to help Lt Stone(despite that Lt Stones orders were for them not to get involved)
Lt Stone and rampage fights for a bit and then Rampage turns into his monster form and beats Lt Stone. Realizing that Lt Stone is about to explode like a grenade, Rampage throws him off the platform, only to hear the other Extreme members attacking and hoping that Stone would explode and kill them all.
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Rampage later runs away with the antidote and gets in an escape air craft. Stone jumps on the aircraft and Rampage gets concerned but Lt Stone falls off the aircraft. Rampage brags as usual, only to drop the antidote. Stone drinks the antidote and is healed. (This shows me that we should watch our bragging! Ha ha )
Lt Stone later says "I see you disobeyed orders and came after me. Thanks" Lt Stone says, knowing the importance of obedience but also knowing the importance of knowing it is sometimes bets to disobey orders to get the job done. This made me respect Stone even more.
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"No problem, Mon" Quickstryke says with his Jamaican accent. They destroy the explosive gun and it ends this way. However, I found it funny when Lt Stone says "I’ve diffused a few bombs in my time but this was the first time I diffused myself" This shows he has a sense of humor. When I first saw Extreme, I compared Stone to Duke but I soon realized that there are some major differences and I dare say I like Lt Stone better.
The End!! What did you think????
Interesting Notes by Jamar Miller : In this episode Lt. Stone comments that Ballistic has eyes like a eagle, which is interesting because perhaps its a little forshadowing to season 2 when Ballistics code name was changed to Eagle Eye.
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Episode #10
Episode 10: Now Hear this! Summary and Review
Episode 10 of GIJoe Extreme was titled "Now Hear This". Like most of the episodes of Extreme, this one spotlights one character, this time Inferno. It opens with Inferno flying over New York City with a pair of Sky Stalker fighers. He hovers outside a skyscraper where he eavesdrops on a business meeting for Shopmania Networks, a type of home shopping network.
Two brothers are being chastised by one of the shareholders for not making a profit and selling mainly schlock. These brothers are Miles and Frederick Grunbach, and they have revealed a new product, the Mesmerizer, which sends out subliminal messages that can influence those who hear it. They play a tape with an infomercial for a food processor selling for $999.95. According to the counter at the bottom of the screen, they aren't selling at all. But when the brothers turn on their new invention, the Mesmerizer, they are able to sell all their food processors in less 10 seconds earning $1 million. They tell the investors that they can make millions with this device. It is at this time that Inferno makes his presence known by firing into the conference room and scaring off the investors, and leaving the Grunbach brothers behind. It turns out that they knew each other 20 years before when Inferno was a boy named Kidwell, the son of the Grunbach's maid. The spoiled kids torment poor Kidwell, making fun of his name, tripping him and breaking his toy plane. He responds that one day he will have the best toys and they will beg to play with him.
We now return to the present and Inferno has kidnapped the Grunbach brothers and is flying over New York in his Sky Stalker, now being chased by Quick Stryke, Mayday, and Lt. Stone, each in Tigerhawk helicopters. The Sky Stalkers split up and Mayday and Stone each shoot down the drones they are pursuing. Quick Stryke plays ariel chicken with Inferno and crashes into a skyscraper trying to avoid a collision with Inferno. Quick Stryke bails out of his Tigerhawk and Inferno burns his parachute. Mayday flies to catch him and he uses his grappling hook to attach to Mayday's Tigerhawk.
Lt. Stone meanwhile heads to the Shopmania Office to see what Inferno was up to, and he picks up the tape the Grunbach brothers left behind. He brings it to Joe Island, where Metalhead plays back the tape and notices there is a subliminal message, but before they figure out what it is, they get a strong urge to get some food processors.
Next we cut to Inferno and the Grunbach brothers are scared and say they'll give him anything he wants. He then exposes them to the Mesmerizer ray, which has now been modified into a form of rifle, and they now become his friends and tell him he's wonderful. Inferno next goes to pay Rampage a visit with similar results. He says he loves his Mesmerizer, but wishes it was bigger.
Stone and Metal Head finally figure out what the subliminal message says, but not before buying a roomful of food processors.
Inferno has now converted the Mesmerizer into a tank, and wants to show it off to Iron Klaw Iron Klaw is angry with Inferno, explaining that he had an operation running in NY that had been ruined by Inferno's meddling.
Inferno says that he has something to show Iron Klaw and would like to meet him at the Normandy Safehouse. At the SKAR safe house, Iron Klaw gets angry at Inferno and is about to attack him when Rampage steps between them to defend his new friend. It is at this moment that the Joes attack.
Klaw thinks Inferno has betrayed him, but in fact he has lured the Joes into a trap. Metal Head, riding a Road Bullet, is hit with the Mesmerizer and thinks his friends are his enemies and blows up Stone's Thunderin' Fury. The two then begin building a sand castle. Freight begins juggling hand grenades, and Quick Stryke fires his grappling hook at Ballistic Black Dragon jumps rope. Savage and Mayday get ready to makeout.
For the first time, Iron Klaw in impressed with Inferno. He can now use the Joes to do what he wants, then destroy them. He wants the Mesmerizer but Inferno doesn't want to give it up, and instead blasts Iron Klaw with it, so that now Iron Klaw is fearful and looks up to Inferno. Inferno then leaves the area and the effects wear off. The Joes then head for their transport so they can track him in the air.
Turns out he is heading for the Aracibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico, the biggest transmitter in the world. Inferno just wants to be loved and by using the Aracibo transmitter to broadcast his Mesmerizer signal, he's able to get the President of the US to declare National Inferno Day, and he also wins the Nobel Prize in all categories.
Metal Head is able to come up with a device to counter the Mesmerizer and the Joes attack Aracibo. They parachute into Puerto Rico while Metalhead flies around on a hovering platform.
On the ground, the Joes encounter resistance from SKAR robot troopers, and when the Mesmerizer is turned on, they become catatonic. Metalhead flies over the radio telescope on his flying platform and fires into the transmitter with a beam weapon that is at the front of his platform. This causes the Mesmerizer to blow up. Now that Rampage is no longer under the influence to the Memerizer, he remembers Inferno isn't his friend at all.
The Joes search Arecibo and SKAR is gone. They find the Grunbach brothers who have forgotten everything that has happened to them.
Overall I like the GI Joe Extreme series quite a bit. I see it as a new generation of Joes after the RAH Joes, who themselves replaced the Adventure Team. Most episodes of this season focus on one character, and this episode spotlighted Inferno. While Inferno is probably my least favorite SKAR character, it was good to see a little of his back story to see what made him the man he is today. Because he grew up underpriveledged and not well liked, he tries to make up for these deficiencies when he grows up. He calls his weapons toys because he didn't have much as a kid, and he wasn't well liked, so when he can change that now with the Mesmerizer, he does. He strikes me as a man who never grew up and wants to be loved, rather than one interested in global conquest (Iron Klaw) or financial gain (Rampage).
The shady business men, the Grunbach brothers, reminded me of two other brothers who also happen to be shady businessmen, Tomax and Xamot, though these 2 brothers look nothing alike . I kind of wonder if they really lost their memories at the end of the episode, or if they just didn't want to give away the secrets of that invention.
The Aracibo Radio Telescope is also the site of a battle in GI Joe America's Elite #2.
While this may have been my least favorite episode of the original 10 I have seen so far, it was still pretty good, and I enjoyed watching it the two times I did to write the review. The use of a mind control device that works through the use of sublimal messages isn't too outlandish (it fits in with Joe pretty well too, considering how much the Brainwave Scanner was used the the Marvel series), though Inferno's use of it tended to go that way a little bit. And I always enjoy seeing what makes characters tick, and this episode did that in its focus on Inferno.
Review Done by : Snake-Eater, (from the Devils Due Boards.)
Watch the first 5 Extreme minutes here!
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Part 2
Part 3
Episode #11
Episode 11 "Winner Takes All" Reviewed
[center]Winner Take All[/center]
At a remote, undisclosed location, a secret lab is being attacked…by RAMPAGE! What he is there for is still unknown, but he’s obviously accomplished his mission, as it appears as he’s ready to depart.
As Rampage prepares to escape, he’s greeted by none other than BLACK DRAGON, METAL HEAD & FREIGHT!!
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A Fierce fight ensues, and Rampage shows the Joe team that he’s a force to be reckoned with! As Black Dragon moves in to strike, Rampage fires on BD causing his vehicle to crash & explode!
“Just like a day on the freewayâ€, Black Dragon says to himself as he sits on the ground, bewildered from the explosion.
“Can’t stick aroundâ€, Rampage says. “I have people to see, deals to closeâ€, and begins to flee on his vehicle.
Metal Head, seeing that their enemy is about to escape, moves in to stop Rampage, and is nearly thrown off a cliff!
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Freight sees his teammate in danger, and quickly moves in to help. Metal Head, holding on for dear life, yells out for Freight’s assistance.
As Freight moves in, he grabs the Road Bullet that Metal Head is clinging to…telling Metal Head to hold on…but it’s too late. Metal Head falls, with Freight screaming in disbelief….
We flash in to the Joe base, where Metal Head is laying in a hospital ward, badly hurt, but alive.
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Black Dragon, in the room with his friend, is debriefing him on what happened after he fell…and as they talk, Freight walks into the room.
Freight, wrenched with guilt, looks at Metal Head and says “I let you downâ€.
Freight refuses to be the cause of the death of a teammate, and goes to see Lt. Stone.
Meanwhile, back at the base of Iron Klaw, Rampage returns with a briefcase, demanding to see Klaw, while the evil Commander’s right hand woman, Steel Raven ( in her first apprearance ) walks up to Rampage.
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“I’ll take that, she saysâ€.
“I don’t deal with the hired helpâ€, Rampage says in a dry, angered tone.
Demanding payment before he releases his catch, his temper gets the better of him for a second and is ready to lash out at anyone who stands in his way.
He finally calms after being told that he will receive payment…but he would have to understand that Iron Klaw cannot be bothered.
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Iron Klaw, ecstatic with his new prize, finally clues us in as to what’s in the briefcase…a new high tech chip capable of making his latest invention, a new cybernetic arm, the most power piece of weaponry on the planet.
“It will increase the power of my living weapon and make me invincible!†Klaw proclaims as he proceeds to contact Wreckage.
“Wreckage, I have the technology to give you a new arm, and new power!†He states, in an excited tone.
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Wreckage angered and insulted lashes out. “I hate my arm. I would never want a new one. I don’t want the one that I HAVE NOWâ€. Wreckage replies, in a tone anything but befitting to his Commander.
Klaw replies…in a sharp tone “You owe me. This is the chance for you to seek revenge against those that did this to youâ€â€¦..
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Back at Joe HQ, Freight walks into Lt. Stone’s Office
After a brief discussion, Freight informs Lt. Stone that he is leaving the Joe Team, and returning to his first love, Football.
Lt. Stone refuses to let him go easily. The Lt. Reminds Freight that they’re a team, and he can’t just walk away. “You have some leave time coming, maybe just taking some time off would helpâ€, Lt. Stone says to his soldier.
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Freight, still feeling guilty for what has happened to Metal Head, explains to Lt. Stone that he can’t bare to let it happen again, and leaves the room, vowing to never return.
We pan out to a football field, where a practice is being held.
“Coach?†a voice speaks out. “FREIGHT!†yells the couch. “What are you doing here? I thought you were in the Military?â€
Freight replies “I was, but I was wondering if I can try out for the team?â€
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“Try out?†the coach says. “You were my best player back in college. With you on our team, we’re bound for a playoff berth!â€
As both men smile, we fade out to a football game. It’s the T-Wrecks vs. their biggest rivals, the Mustangs.
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Omar “Freight†Diesel proceeds to be announced via a sportscaster, and the game is on its way. However, someone happens to be watching this announcement…IRON KLAW.
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“Hmmm…so he’s no longer a Joe?†Klaw says to Rampage. “If I have him, I can turn him into my new weapon!â€
“Rampage, get Freight, and I will turn him into my ultimate weapon!â€
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- Pan back to the football game –
“As the tough Freight Train†as he’s called by the announcer plows through the opposing team, he scores touchdown after touchdown, leading the T-Wrecks to a win against their biggest rivals, and is carried off the field by his teammates.
As Freight stands in the locker room, the Coach walks in to congratulate his player and share his joy about their championship game on the way.
Freight, torn, explains to his Coach that he doesn’t want to play anymore. Although Football was his first love, Freight now strives for bigger goals, not just a championship…but the fight for freedom.
Freight grabs a football and throws it at the wall. While the ball is hitting the wall, the wall suddenly explodes, leaving both Freight & his Coach in shock.
Standing behind the smoke & rubble is Rampage, accompanied by S.K.A.R. Shock Troopers, ready to make claim to Iron Klaw’s latest desire.
A fight breaks out between Freight & the Troopers. Rampage, never one to play fair, fires a small, mind controlling device at Freight, hitting him at the base of his head from behind, rendering him unconscious.
As the S.K.A.R. Troopers grab Freight, the Coach cries out “What have you done to him!â€
Rampage replies “What’s being done to him hasn’t even happened yet!â€
We pan back to Wreckage, who in pain due to his anger at the statements made by Klaw, blacks out into a flashback similar to that in “Crawling from the wreckageâ€.
He awakens to the news Freight being kidnapped on the news by the media.
“He doesn’t care. All he cares about is his own wants†Wreckage says to himself “I won’t let him put that arm on me, and I can’t let him give it to anyone else. I have to stop Klawâ€, Wreckage proclaims.
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At Iron Klaw’s base, we see that Freight is strapped down to a table, ready to be converted into Klaw’s latest weapon. Iron Klaw and Rampage discuss Freight’s fate…as all of a sudden there’s an explosion! Is it the Joes, there to rescue their old teammate?
Wreckage rumbles in, his sheer mass a fearsome sight. He screams out “I won’t let you do thisâ€, he says with a furious tone.
Klaw, drunk with power, refusing to let his new weapon escape him, turns to Rampage and says “Get on with itâ€â€¦â€¦
“Get on with it?â€â€¦.Wreckage says…while flashing back yet again, remembering that those same words were spoken to the surgeon who operated on him, turning him into the “Monster†he is today.
For Wreckage the similarities are too similiar for him to stand by by , even though he still doesnt realize that it was IRON KLAW who did this to him! Its still too much for him and to let it happened all over again........... well that just wont happened on his watch!
He throws his head back and lets out a bellowing “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOâ€
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Wreckage begins to go after Iron Klaw, ready to make him pay for all the pain he has caused Wreckage. While this is occurring, Freight breaks out of his bed, as he has already awoken and is quite aware of what is going on.
Refusing to let Wreckage have all the fun, he breaks free of his confines and attacks Rampage…the battle rages on, and Rampage is subdued by Wreckage, who helps a hurt Freight. The two give each other the “Thumbs Upâ€, as they proceed to go after Iron Klaw, who just manages to escape their hands.
As the two giants leave Klaw’s lair, Freight hands Wreckage the cybernetic hand that was going to be used on him. “This should have been destroyed inside along with everything else, Wreckage exclaims, as he takes the piece of hardware and crushes it in the grip of his mighty cybernetic arm.
Freight thanks Wreckage for all of his help, and sincerely offers him a spot on the Joe team.
“Join you? The Military? HAâ€, Wreckage walks away, disgusted.
“You need to realize who’s on your side. Klaw was only using you. You need to see who your real friends areâ€, Freight yells out…but in vein, as Wreckage continues to leave.
Freight stops for a moment of reflection, and realizes that his own advice would be best served “in houseâ€, and decides to return to the Joe HQ.
Heavy Metal, cast on one leg, crutch under one arm, is sitting at a computer station, when an alarm sounds!
“BOGEY!†he yells out, as he & his team members rush out to the front of the base.
“IT’S FREIGHT!†yells Black Dragon, as the entire Joe Team gather around to greet their old teammate and welcome him back.
Freight is approached by Metal Head, who lets him know that it’s about time he returned, and that they’re all happy to have their team member back.
Freight realizes…that the team he needed was the same one he left….with a smile on his face as we
Fade to black
My Thoughts – Every Joe story line, be it cartoon or comic, has the “Joe leaves the team in search of himself†episode, so why should extreme be any different? It was interesting to see the human side of Wreckage in this episode, as all I could see him as in his last appearance was as a walking weapon. Wreckage doesn’t exactly find out that it was Iron Klaw who did this to him but the idea is definitely planted, and so the question beckons, when and if he finds out, that it was Iron Klaw; will he strike back on his own? What of the Joes? Will they help? Time will only tell !
Notes by Jamar :
1. This is the 2nd of 3 episodes that would revolve around the Freight and Wreckage storyline. This storyline would conclude in season 2’s Wreckage Revege
2. This episode also marks the first appearance of Steel Raven, my favorite Woman villain in the entire GI Joe Universe. So this episode was a double pleasure for me. Check out her Declassified file here: ... 1136938345
3. Of interesting note, this episode had a PSA (Public Service Announcement) attached to the trailer. A young man, at the plate, being pitched to, strikes out. His teammates boo and hiss, making the young man bow his head in disgrace.
“You just don’t see what’s going onâ€, Lt. Stone says as he walks into the frame.
The PSA was based on the advice that eye examinations aren’t something to fear, but something to always remember to do, for your own sake. The PSA finishes with the slogan made famous by the original GI JOE series “Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!†which is something that always brings a smile to my face when I hear the Extreme Characters echoing the original Joes.
4. This episode also marks the point where Iron Klaw starts backing away from his minions and having them go through his new General Steel Raven. Before this episode Rampage, Inferno and the likes could meet with Iron Klaw , with no problem, which is why Rampage got so angry that he couldnt see Iron Klaw personally and had to go through Steel Raven. Whatever she has done, she sure has Iron Klaws complete trust in her.
5. We also are given a few more screen shots of the operation to change the man that would become Wreckage with the haunting Phraze " Get on with it "
6. Originally when I saw this episode for the first time back in 1996 I said no way would anyone ever give up a career and all that money in foot ball to join the Military but then The Irag War happened in 2003 and we had that Foot ball player from the NFL join the military with his brother and ultimately gave his life for his country. So I now look at this completely different and say that is very very possible
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Part 2
Part 3
Episode 5 "To Catch a Klaw " Reviewed
GI Joe Extreme
Episode 5: To Catch a Claw
Review Done by :
As with most of the first season episodes, this episode focuses on one of the characters of the Extreme team. This episodes character is Ballistic/Eagle Eye the ladies magnet of the team. In season 2 he gets another episode that is dedicated to him and The SILENCER and again another women is involved.
The episode begins with G.I. Joe Extreme infiltrating a S.K.A.R. bunker only to find that the target is in fact a trap. Ballistic/ Eagle Eye finds a laser sight that leads Lt. Stone to suspect Count Von Raney as the leak at Inter Alliance Command and a traitor. Stone confront Clancy, but Clancy won't allow them to investigate a Inter Alliance member. A decision the Lt. Stone doesnt agree with.
Lt. Stone, Ballistic and Mayday infiltrate Von Raney’s yearly coronation party at his party. Lt Stone wants to witness Von Raney’s reaction when Sgt Savage and his team attack a SKAR base.
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Upon arriving at the party Ballistic is recognized by a photographer at the door who then warns Von Raney of the Joe’s presence. Von Raney orders his security force to track down the Joe intruders, then dons his Iron Claw disguise and orders his Skar forces to come to Von Raney’s Castle to attack the Joes.
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Mayday is quickly captured by Von Raney’s security forces; meanwhile we learn that Ballistic knew the photographer at the door from his Special Forces days. Ballistic was supposed to take the photographer on a raid, but left her behind because she could pose a distraction. Once SKAR troops arrive they take Mayday from Von Raney’s security forces and demand that the other two Joes give themselves up.
Ballistic manages to make it to the castle grounds and begins fighting his way back in to rescue Lt. Stone and Mayday. Once joined together back together Lt. Stone, Ballistic, and Mayday lead the guests to safety. While the Joes are rescuing the guests Von Raney sneaks away to don his Iron Claw disguise and lead his troops against the Joes.
As soon as Joe reinforcements arrive Iron Claw orders his troops to retreat. Iron Claw sneaks off to change back to Baron Von Raney, but not without a witness.
Ballistics’ photographer friend shows up just in time to see the transformation from Iron Claw to Count Von Raney. The episode ends with Ballistic vowing to keep an eye on Count Von Raney.
Note: In ARAH style the episode ends with a Sgt. Savage in a PSA teaching kids not to tell strangers when they are home alone.
Note By Jamar Miller : This episode would see repercussions in a couple of episodes that include Extend a helping Klaw and Coup of the Klaw. This episode may be also one of the logical reason why Ballistics code name was changed to Eagle Eye in the second season. His security/ History was compromised making it easier for Iron Klaw to access his records when he was taking over Washington. So a new code name was required.
Also I find it interesting that the reporter is never mentioned by name, just referred to as "The Reporter".
It would be interesting to me if in the script she was given a name or not.
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Episode #6
Episode 6 "Relics " Reviewed
G.I. Joe Extreme Episode 6 Relics:
Live Opening
I can recall seeing any other animated series with the live-action opening sequences like GIJoe Extreme had. While short I think they're a pretty neat idea. In this one Sgt. Savage squares off against a skyrene in a training simulation. The CG and blue-screen work isn't great by today's standards, but for 1995 AND on a cartoon it's pretty d**ned impressive.
Rampage breaks an old Iron Army cryogenic scientist out of jail . Note that he is referred to as the last of the Old Iron Army ( Note this is a reference to Sgt. Savage and the screaming eagles toyline as The bad guys were the Iron Army with General Blitz ). Clany notifies the Joes and once Sgt. Savage hears the name Dr. Gerbin he remembers many bad memories.
Skar unearths a frozen general of Genghis Khan's. Iron Klaw convinces Dr. Gerbin to revive Agra Khan.
Savage and Ballistic bust in and trash the lab.. Mayday cleans up outside while Savage and Ballistic pursue the escaping Iron Klaw. Savage hops onboard Klaw's escape plane and hides. Rampage shows Dr. Gerbin to a new lab where they big reviving Khan again. Savage has a flashback about his own freezing process when he sees Khan reanimated.
Khan and Savage duke it out with swords. Gerbin helps Savage re-freeze Khan in a cryochamber and now we find out Savage used to have a wife and child.
Dr. Gerber is recaputured and sent back to prison.
This is done largely by the same crew that voiced the Mainframe Beast Wars series, and the quality of the voice direction shows. Granted, some of the lines are pretty cheezy, but they're delivered well and in character.
The animation is pretty consistent, even compared to cartoons now. There is a little recycled animation, but not too much. Some cases of wonky perspectives are noticeable on a few of the background animations, however, it doesn't detract from the story.
Last thoughts
There is a lot of story for a 20 minute episode, and some of the flashback stuff doesn't make much sense because it's a little too short. I think this story could have been done better as a two-part episode and replacing Agra Khan with something a little more believable. However, it does provide some interesting insight into Savage's past and works pretty well in that regard.
Jamar would like to add that it is here in this episode that we learn for the first time that Sgt. Savage had a wife and child.
Review was done courtesy of obsidian3d
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Episode #7
Episode 7 "Dawn's Oily Light" Reviewed
Review Done by :
As with the majority of the first season episodes this is another Character Driven Episode, one that would focus on the Joes Resident Navy S.E.A.L. Har.poo.n.
Episode 7 starts with Iron Claw’s forces led by Rampage are working to halt the worlds oil supply (reminisant of ARAH Cobra Stops the World).
Next, we cut to Har.poo.n, Metal Head and Black Dragon fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. After being warned of an approaching hurricane the trio is on their way back to shore when they witness an oil rig explosion. When checking out the wreckage a new oil rig rises up out of the depths of the sea and attacks the Joes fishing boat. Har.poo.n manages to escape, but Metal Head and Black Dragon are captured and sent to the brig.
Har.poo.n sneaks onto the SKAR oil rig to rescue his friends. Iron Claw order Rampage to destroy the oil rig and to leave the area, however Rampage’s greed gets the better of him and he begins loading a tanker with oil. Har.poo.n manages to arm himself with a water cannon and goes on the offensive. Once Har.poo.n rescues Black Dragon and Metal Head they begin fighting their way back to their boat to radio for help.
Due to the storm they find that they are not able to radio for help. Our trio of heroes next turns their attention to attacking the S.K.A.R. oil rig where Metal Head is able to steal the main computers CPU. With the CPU gone the oil platform is crippled and unable to resubmerge or to disconnect from the oil tanker.
Har.poo.n and Rampage end up fighting it out over the CPU which results in the CPU going overboard. Seeing that the CPU is out of his grasp, Rampage escapes in a jettison pod.
Our three heroes are left to brave the sea in an inflatable life raft until they are rescued by Lt. Stone. However Har.thingy is not quite ready to go, as he is in the middle of pulling in a big one. In which Metal Head and Black Dragon simply respond by throwing him over board !
Now you can watch this episode in 3 parts here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Episode #8
Episode 8 "Crawling from the Wreckage" Reviewed
Crawling from the Wreckage[/center]
Review done by: C.I.A.D.
Note: This is the 1st of 3 episodes that would revolve around the Freight and Wreckage storyline.
High over Earth, a Satellite orbits, undisturbed…..Yet, on Terra Firma, evil is lurking. From a remote encampment in the Jungle, Rampage & Inferno, Iron Klaw’s evil henchmen, are tracking the Satellite. Rampage, while locking on to the co-ordinates of the orbiting technology, explains to Inferno exactly what they’re dealing with.
“That is the Equalizer…a Powerful Laser with the power to crush our enemy…even lock on & destroy their missiles in their own silos!â€
Rampage locks on to the Equalizer…and prepares to bring it back into Earth’s atmosphere so that it can be captured and delivered to Iron Klaw.
Inferno, ever the impatient one, knocks Rampage out of the way and begins to “bang away†at the computer console. In doing so, he overload’s the Equalizer with a back feed of power that brings the satellite crashing down to Earth.
“YOU IDIOT!†Rampage yells out. How would he explain this to Klaw, he asks…â€Without that Satellite, Klaw won’t pay me…and if he won’t pay, you will!â€
In a flash, Rampages temper gets the best of him…but in vein, as Inferno is already “leaving†(more like escaping, coward) in search of the Satellite. Rampage demands that Inferno come back and take his medicine, but while Inferno is retreating, Iron Klaw appears on a tele-monitor in the background.
“Rampage, what is the status of my satelliteâ€, the fearsome Leader bellowed.
“Inferno interfered, and we lost itâ€, Rampage exclaimed, pure fear in his eye.
Iron Klaw is enraged. He tells Rampage that he will handle this is own way, and contacts a new character to the storyline. WRECKAGE.
“Wreckage†Iron Klaw calls out.
A behemoth of a man, Wreckage responds, ready to answer the call of his Master. ( It is interesting to note he is reading LES MISERABELS )
“There is a satellite that is capable of great power. Help me find it, and we will use it to seek revenge on your enemies!†Klaw states.
“Revenge? On the military? I will be on my way at onceâ€, Wreckage responds.
Meanwhile, at the G.I.Joe Headquarters, Metal Head is also tracking the fallen Satellite.
Duuuude, I got it, Metal Head says as Lt. Stone walks towards him.
After some snide commentary, from Lt. Stone, he turns to Black Dragon, Quick Strike & Freight and gave them their mission orders. “Find that Satellite. We can’t let Klaw get his hands on it. It’s too powerful. Destroy it if you must.â€
As they move out, Freight turns to Stone and says “see you in the end zoneâ€.
“I’m counting on itâ€, Lt. Stone replies.
As our heroes are deployed into the jungle…they’re attacked from behind by INFERNO!
As the battle is raging on..something…someone…catches Freight’s eye.
“YOU†Freight bellows in a fearsome tone.
It’s Wreckage…a pure Powerhouse of an opponent, with a massive Cybernetic arm giving him unmatched power.
Inferno sees who’s entered the fray
Inferno calls for an immediate retreat, leaving the Joes to face this Monster of an enemy.
Freight looks to his teammates and says “GO FIND THAT SATELLITE! I CAN TAKE CARE OF THIS MYSELFâ€
Wreckage, as you would naturally assume, disagrees with this statement whole-heartedly.
Then, without warning, Wreckage begins to fire plasma rounds from his fingertips! Freight tackles him, and a furious battle ensues, followed by an explosion that knocks out everyone on the battlefield.
As the Joes reawaken, they see that Wreckage is gone. Shaken, they gather their strength and go after the Satellite, hoping they haven’t lost the race.
Wreckage, now deep in the jungle, collapses in pain as what appears to be a short circuit in his cybernetic arm brings the behemoth crashing to the ground.
Wreckage blacks out and flashes back to a time when he was in the military, during a war. A bomb explodes right in front of Wreckage…and he is not seen after the explosion.
We shift to a hospital operating room, where wreckage is wrapped in bandages, being hovered over by a doctor and a General in the background.
“Don’t worryâ€, the General says. “We’re going to save you. We’re going to make you into the Ultimate Soldierâ€.
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The Doctor leans over the badly hurt G.I….and the experiment gone wrong begins.
Wreckage awakens and stumbles over to a mirror. He cannot believe what he sees. “WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME†He yells.
The General, observing from a window behind the door of the room that Wreckage is confined to, looks pleased.
As the General walks away, through the shadows…we learn that his shadowy figure isn’t a general at all…it’s IRON KLAW!
Soon Iron Klaw stages a break out for our tormented friend. Iron Klaw invites Wreckage to join him and together they will get revenge on the Military!
Wreckage awakens from his black out, and finds a little old man and a small girl watching over him. Wreckage awakens in anger, and grabs the old man by his shirt and lifts him in the air.
“WHERE AM I?†Wreckage yells to the old man.
“You…you were hurt and we brought you hereâ€, the poor man says in fear.
“Please, let my grandpapa goâ€, the young girl cries out. “He has done nothing to youâ€.
Wreckage, realizing that these humble people pose no threat to him, lowers the old man.
“I am Ernesto, this is my grand daughter, Miraâ€, the man says to Wreckage.
Wreckage, unsure of why they would help him, asks if they have motives that they haven’t disclosed.
“Well yes, we need your help†says Ernesto.
“Our village is in danger of flooding, a man of your size and strength could be a big help to usâ€.
“Oh please, mister, please†asks Mira.
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With slight hesitation, Wreckage agrees to help the villagers build the dam. It’s quite obvious that they wouldn’t be able to do it without him. Wreckage alone does the work of three men, and the dam is nearly completed.
As Wreckage goes to place the final piece in place, he stops to reflect on the good he’s accomplished by helping the villagers.
Mira walks to him, and they approach the dam, final piece in hand.
However, our story takes an ironic turn. As wreckage goes to place the final piece in place, he notices something…something used as part of the dam.
“IT’S THE SATELLITE†Wreckage exclaims. “DID YOU PUT THAT THERE?†he asks Mira.
“Oh yes, we found it in the jungle and used it as part of the damâ€.
Wreckage remembers why he’s there, and remembers his loyalty to not only Iron Klaw, but to the idea of seeking revenge on the Military that turned him into the Monster he is today…little does he know it was Klaw who did this to him.
Wreckage begins to shake the Satellite violently, trying to rip it from the dam.
“NOâ€, yells Mira “Please, if you take that the whole dam will collapse and my village will be lost! Please don’t do it, senorâ€.
Wreckage pays no mind to the girl, as he knows that he has been sent to retrieve the Satellite…and nothing else will be acceptable.
He then pauses…and realizes that what he is doing is wrong. He can’t hurt the same people who have helped him.
All of a Sudden, the Joes finally appear! Not realizing that Wreckage is actually helping the villagers, they move in to take Wreckage out. A fierce battle ensues, and the village is in danger of being destroyed by the combatants.
While the battle is raging on…Inferno swoops in, and attacks both factions!
“I’ll be taken this back to Klaw, Inferno proclaimsâ€, and begins to go after the Satellite…with the dam now near collapse.
Inferno grabs young Mira, and says “I have a hostage…I win!â€.
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Wreckage, seeing his poor young friend in danger, disengages from his hand to hand battle with Freight and goes after Inferno, causing Inferno not only to retreat, but causing the destruction of the Satellite as well.
With the dam at the point of failure, Freight lends Wreckage a hand, and they work together to save the village from a watery fate. The Joes move out, knowing the battle has been won.
We’re left with a final scene of Ernesto & Mira inviting Wreckage to stay with them in their village, where he will be part of the family.
Wreckage, feeling less than a man for what “the military†has done to him, explains that he can never be normal…â€I am just a wreckage of a manâ€, he says solemnly…and walks away.
Fade to black
My thoughts – I enjoyed this episode a lot! The introduction of Wreckage was quite intriguing, as we learn that it was Iron Klaw who turned him into the walking weapon he is today. Will he ever find out it was Klaw and join the Joes? Time will only tell, I guess. One thing I notice, and really like about Extreme…is the diverse selection of characters. The mission roster included a Jamaican, an African American & a Frenchman. Now who says G.I.Joe aren’t international heroes?
I’m looking forward to part 2 of this story,( Winner Takes All) as we’ll see the development of Wreckage’s character and where the storyline takes him. Until then, that is all, carry on!
Note: Again This is the 1st of 3 episodes that would revolve around the Freight and Wreckage storyline. The second Episode would be “Winner Takes all†, which can be found here ... 1136958285 and then it would include in season 2 with the 3rd episode spotlighting these two and their storyline in “ Wreckage Revenge†which can be found here: ... 1136940314 complete with Scans of the complete script for the episode.
Now you can watch this episode in 3 parts here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Episode #9
Ep. 9 "Extend a Helping Klaw" Reviewed+Storyboad
Review by : Nathan Samuel Branham (aka fatherlove)
This episode like most of the first season episodes is a character focused episode. This episode focuses on Lt. Stone, the Joes Leader. Read on and see why this guy is No DUKE.
The animated part of the episode starts off with us seeing a door platform rise from the ground with Iron Klaw, Rampage and a few others walking outside.
"This new device of yours had better be worth my time" Iron Klaw said with his usual intimidating voice.
"Would I call you here if it wasn’t?" Rampage asked, slyly.
"You had better be right" Iron Klaw said, impatiently. "I do not suffer interruptions lightly. What does this...device do?"
"Well, it doesn’t do anything."
"What???" Iron Klaw asked, angrily.
Rampage explains that this is an "explosive gas", only for Iron Klaw to become very, very frustrated.
Rampage then fires at some sunflowers, all to no avail. Iron Klaw is furious and so does Rampage.
Rampage lets Iron Klaw know that he is planning to attack the Inter-Alliance meeting, making everyone a bomb. Iron Klaw forbids it and leaves (after all, he is Count Von Ranni, a member of the Inter-Alliance.)
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After Iron Klaw leaves, the sunflowers start to glow and explode, causing Rampage to want to continue his mission against the Inter Alliance. We then see Rampage, and his S.K.A.R. Forces heading to their destination.
At the Inter-Alliance meeting, we see Clancy talking to Stone about security(Mayday is also there) Count Von Ranni arrives in a helicopter and is angry when he finds out Rampage is attacking, despite that Iron Klaw gave him orders not to attack. Count Von Ranni almost reveals that he is Iron Klaw with his anger but calms down.
We next see Von Ranni's helicopter explode when he questions how dangerous Rampage could become (not knowing that the explosive gas now works)
We next see various Extreme members facing Rampage and his S.K.A.R. forces and defeating them. I like this episode because we see the disadvantages of Iron Klaw having two separate identities. We also see the Infighting that happens often between Rampage and Iron Klaw.
Clancy goes inside, calling Von Ranni inside but it is very obvious that Von Ranni (Iron Klaw) is still very angry with Rampage.
In the Episodes musical sequence, we see many robots being destroyed by Lt Stone's tank and various other ways.
Rampage plans to shoot Von Ranni with the explosive gas gun, not knowing Von Ranni is Iron Klaw. However, Lt Stone jumps in front of Von Ranni, taking the hit instead. I like this part because it has been obvious over the episodes that Von Ranni and Stone don’t like each other and yet...Stone took a hit for Von Ranni. Stone starts to glow like the sunflowers, showing us that he has become very "explosive"
"You should’ve stayed out of my way, hero" Rampage says to Stone, still planning on firing at Von Ranni. However, Von Ranni has disappeared.
Count Von Ranni shows concern for Lt Stone, which surprises Stone (and me too) However, we all know it was mostly an act. Von Ranni walks away and Iron Klaw appears later.
Iron Klaw chastises Rampage for attacking the Inter-Alliance, telling Rampage that his sources told him about Rampage attacking. Iron Klaw tells Rampage that he is "expendable"
"Expendable???" Rampage asked, angrily. "I'll show him I'm nobody's flunky!"
We then see a doctor talking to Lt Stone about his body scan, telling Stone that he is turning into a "living bomb" and that he is not sure about the time limit.
Note by Jamar Miller: In the picture below we see Har.poo.n without a shirt underneath his vest, Usually he has a blue shirt but here he is shirtless
The Extreme members talk about going to Rampage but Stone convinces them that it is more important to destroy the gas. Von Ranni tells them that he knows where a "SKAR lab" is and this really surprised me. Was Von Ranni only doing this because he knew Rampage had become a bigger threat than he expected? Was it because he has some good in him? Nahhhh...
Anyway, Lt Stone questions how Von Ranni knew about the lab but Von Ranni quickly explains that he intended to reveal this in the Inter-Alliance meeting (NOT!)
The Extreme members get excited about going to face Rampage but Lt Stone convinces them that he should go alone, not wanting to put them in danger with his explosive nature
We then see Lt Stone destroying tanks and we see Rampage running away, bragging that the tank cannot reach him.
[center]Here is a story board to the episode[/center]
However, it does break through and Lt Stone faces Rampage.
"I'm here, Rampage! My days may be numbered but I'm taking you and your gas with me!" Lt Stone yells, bravely.
However, he falls down, apparently weak from the explosive gas in his body. He is glowing, brighter than ever, making us wonder if he is about to die.
After the commercial break, Lt Stone stands up and runs away, still somewhat weak.
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We then see some of the Extreme members destroying numerous robots. After they take out the Attack Force, Sgt Savage gives orders for all of them to help Lt Stone(despite that Lt Stones orders were for them not to get involved)
Lt Stone and rampage fights for a bit and then Rampage turns into his monster form and beats Lt Stone. Realizing that Lt Stone is about to explode like a grenade, Rampage throws him off the platform, only to hear the other Extreme members attacking and hoping that Stone would explode and kill them all.
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Rampage later runs away with the antidote and gets in an escape air craft. Stone jumps on the aircraft and Rampage gets concerned but Lt Stone falls off the aircraft. Rampage brags as usual, only to drop the antidote. Stone drinks the antidote and is healed. (This shows me that we should watch our bragging! Ha ha )
Lt Stone later says "I see you disobeyed orders and came after me. Thanks" Lt Stone says, knowing the importance of obedience but also knowing the importance of knowing it is sometimes bets to disobey orders to get the job done. This made me respect Stone even more.
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"No problem, Mon" Quickstryke says with his Jamaican accent. They destroy the explosive gun and it ends this way. However, I found it funny when Lt Stone says "I’ve diffused a few bombs in my time but this was the first time I diffused myself" This shows he has a sense of humor. When I first saw Extreme, I compared Stone to Duke but I soon realized that there are some major differences and I dare say I like Lt Stone better.
The End!! What did you think????
Interesting Notes by Jamar Miller : In this episode Lt. Stone comments that Ballistic has eyes like a eagle, which is interesting because perhaps its a little forshadowing to season 2 when Ballistics code name was changed to Eagle Eye.
Watch this episode in these 3 parts
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Episode #10
Episode 10: Now Hear this! Summary and Review
Episode 10 of GIJoe Extreme was titled "Now Hear This". Like most of the episodes of Extreme, this one spotlights one character, this time Inferno. It opens with Inferno flying over New York City with a pair of Sky Stalker fighers. He hovers outside a skyscraper where he eavesdrops on a business meeting for Shopmania Networks, a type of home shopping network.
Two brothers are being chastised by one of the shareholders for not making a profit and selling mainly schlock. These brothers are Miles and Frederick Grunbach, and they have revealed a new product, the Mesmerizer, which sends out subliminal messages that can influence those who hear it. They play a tape with an infomercial for a food processor selling for $999.95. According to the counter at the bottom of the screen, they aren't selling at all. But when the brothers turn on their new invention, the Mesmerizer, they are able to sell all their food processors in less 10 seconds earning $1 million. They tell the investors that they can make millions with this device. It is at this time that Inferno makes his presence known by firing into the conference room and scaring off the investors, and leaving the Grunbach brothers behind. It turns out that they knew each other 20 years before when Inferno was a boy named Kidwell, the son of the Grunbach's maid. The spoiled kids torment poor Kidwell, making fun of his name, tripping him and breaking his toy plane. He responds that one day he will have the best toys and they will beg to play with him.
We now return to the present and Inferno has kidnapped the Grunbach brothers and is flying over New York in his Sky Stalker, now being chased by Quick Stryke, Mayday, and Lt. Stone, each in Tigerhawk helicopters. The Sky Stalkers split up and Mayday and Stone each shoot down the drones they are pursuing. Quick Stryke plays ariel chicken with Inferno and crashes into a skyscraper trying to avoid a collision with Inferno. Quick Stryke bails out of his Tigerhawk and Inferno burns his parachute. Mayday flies to catch him and he uses his grappling hook to attach to Mayday's Tigerhawk.
Lt. Stone meanwhile heads to the Shopmania Office to see what Inferno was up to, and he picks up the tape the Grunbach brothers left behind. He brings it to Joe Island, where Metalhead plays back the tape and notices there is a subliminal message, but before they figure out what it is, they get a strong urge to get some food processors.
Next we cut to Inferno and the Grunbach brothers are scared and say they'll give him anything he wants. He then exposes them to the Mesmerizer ray, which has now been modified into a form of rifle, and they now become his friends and tell him he's wonderful. Inferno next goes to pay Rampage a visit with similar results. He says he loves his Mesmerizer, but wishes it was bigger.
Stone and Metal Head finally figure out what the subliminal message says, but not before buying a roomful of food processors.
Inferno has now converted the Mesmerizer into a tank, and wants to show it off to Iron Klaw Iron Klaw is angry with Inferno, explaining that he had an operation running in NY that had been ruined by Inferno's meddling.
Inferno says that he has something to show Iron Klaw and would like to meet him at the Normandy Safehouse. At the SKAR safe house, Iron Klaw gets angry at Inferno and is about to attack him when Rampage steps between them to defend his new friend. It is at this moment that the Joes attack.
Klaw thinks Inferno has betrayed him, but in fact he has lured the Joes into a trap. Metal Head, riding a Road Bullet, is hit with the Mesmerizer and thinks his friends are his enemies and blows up Stone's Thunderin' Fury. The two then begin building a sand castle. Freight begins juggling hand grenades, and Quick Stryke fires his grappling hook at Ballistic Black Dragon jumps rope. Savage and Mayday get ready to makeout.
For the first time, Iron Klaw in impressed with Inferno. He can now use the Joes to do what he wants, then destroy them. He wants the Mesmerizer but Inferno doesn't want to give it up, and instead blasts Iron Klaw with it, so that now Iron Klaw is fearful and looks up to Inferno. Inferno then leaves the area and the effects wear off. The Joes then head for their transport so they can track him in the air.
Turns out he is heading for the Aracibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico, the biggest transmitter in the world. Inferno just wants to be loved and by using the Aracibo transmitter to broadcast his Mesmerizer signal, he's able to get the President of the US to declare National Inferno Day, and he also wins the Nobel Prize in all categories.
Metal Head is able to come up with a device to counter the Mesmerizer and the Joes attack Aracibo. They parachute into Puerto Rico while Metalhead flies around on a hovering platform.
On the ground, the Joes encounter resistance from SKAR robot troopers, and when the Mesmerizer is turned on, they become catatonic. Metalhead flies over the radio telescope on his flying platform and fires into the transmitter with a beam weapon that is at the front of his platform. This causes the Mesmerizer to blow up. Now that Rampage is no longer under the influence to the Memerizer, he remembers Inferno isn't his friend at all.
The Joes search Arecibo and SKAR is gone. They find the Grunbach brothers who have forgotten everything that has happened to them.
Overall I like the GI Joe Extreme series quite a bit. I see it as a new generation of Joes after the RAH Joes, who themselves replaced the Adventure Team. Most episodes of this season focus on one character, and this episode spotlighted Inferno. While Inferno is probably my least favorite SKAR character, it was good to see a little of his back story to see what made him the man he is today. Because he grew up underpriveledged and not well liked, he tries to make up for these deficiencies when he grows up. He calls his weapons toys because he didn't have much as a kid, and he wasn't well liked, so when he can change that now with the Mesmerizer, he does. He strikes me as a man who never grew up and wants to be loved, rather than one interested in global conquest (Iron Klaw) or financial gain (Rampage).
The shady business men, the Grunbach brothers, reminded me of two other brothers who also happen to be shady businessmen, Tomax and Xamot, though these 2 brothers look nothing alike . I kind of wonder if they really lost their memories at the end of the episode, or if they just didn't want to give away the secrets of that invention.
The Aracibo Radio Telescope is also the site of a battle in GI Joe America's Elite #2.
While this may have been my least favorite episode of the original 10 I have seen so far, it was still pretty good, and I enjoyed watching it the two times I did to write the review. The use of a mind control device that works through the use of sublimal messages isn't too outlandish (it fits in with Joe pretty well too, considering how much the Brainwave Scanner was used the the Marvel series), though Inferno's use of it tended to go that way a little bit. And I always enjoy seeing what makes characters tick, and this episode did that in its focus on Inferno.
Review Done by : Snake-Eater, (from the Devils Due Boards.)
Watch the first 5 Extreme minutes here!
Watch this episode in these 3 parts
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Episode #11
Episode 11 "Winner Takes All" Reviewed
[center]Winner Take All[/center]
At a remote, undisclosed location, a secret lab is being attacked…by RAMPAGE! What he is there for is still unknown, but he’s obviously accomplished his mission, as it appears as he’s ready to depart.
As Rampage prepares to escape, he’s greeted by none other than BLACK DRAGON, METAL HEAD & FREIGHT!!
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A Fierce fight ensues, and Rampage shows the Joe team that he’s a force to be reckoned with! As Black Dragon moves in to strike, Rampage fires on BD causing his vehicle to crash & explode!
“Just like a day on the freewayâ€, Black Dragon says to himself as he sits on the ground, bewildered from the explosion.
“Can’t stick aroundâ€, Rampage says. “I have people to see, deals to closeâ€, and begins to flee on his vehicle.
Metal Head, seeing that their enemy is about to escape, moves in to stop Rampage, and is nearly thrown off a cliff!
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Freight sees his teammate in danger, and quickly moves in to help. Metal Head, holding on for dear life, yells out for Freight’s assistance.
As Freight moves in, he grabs the Road Bullet that Metal Head is clinging to…telling Metal Head to hold on…but it’s too late. Metal Head falls, with Freight screaming in disbelief….
We flash in to the Joe base, where Metal Head is laying in a hospital ward, badly hurt, but alive.
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Black Dragon, in the room with his friend, is debriefing him on what happened after he fell…and as they talk, Freight walks into the room.
Freight, wrenched with guilt, looks at Metal Head and says “I let you downâ€.
Freight refuses to be the cause of the death of a teammate, and goes to see Lt. Stone.
Meanwhile, back at the base of Iron Klaw, Rampage returns with a briefcase, demanding to see Klaw, while the evil Commander’s right hand woman, Steel Raven ( in her first apprearance ) walks up to Rampage.
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“I’ll take that, she saysâ€.
“I don’t deal with the hired helpâ€, Rampage says in a dry, angered tone.
Demanding payment before he releases his catch, his temper gets the better of him for a second and is ready to lash out at anyone who stands in his way.
He finally calms after being told that he will receive payment…but he would have to understand that Iron Klaw cannot be bothered.
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Iron Klaw, ecstatic with his new prize, finally clues us in as to what’s in the briefcase…a new high tech chip capable of making his latest invention, a new cybernetic arm, the most power piece of weaponry on the planet.
“It will increase the power of my living weapon and make me invincible!†Klaw proclaims as he proceeds to contact Wreckage.
“Wreckage, I have the technology to give you a new arm, and new power!†He states, in an excited tone.
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Wreckage angered and insulted lashes out. “I hate my arm. I would never want a new one. I don’t want the one that I HAVE NOWâ€. Wreckage replies, in a tone anything but befitting to his Commander.
Klaw replies…in a sharp tone “You owe me. This is the chance for you to seek revenge against those that did this to youâ€â€¦..
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Back at Joe HQ, Freight walks into Lt. Stone’s Office
After a brief discussion, Freight informs Lt. Stone that he is leaving the Joe Team, and returning to his first love, Football.
Lt. Stone refuses to let him go easily. The Lt. Reminds Freight that they’re a team, and he can’t just walk away. “You have some leave time coming, maybe just taking some time off would helpâ€, Lt. Stone says to his soldier.
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Freight, still feeling guilty for what has happened to Metal Head, explains to Lt. Stone that he can’t bare to let it happen again, and leaves the room, vowing to never return.
We pan out to a football field, where a practice is being held.
“Coach?†a voice speaks out. “FREIGHT!†yells the couch. “What are you doing here? I thought you were in the Military?â€
Freight replies “I was, but I was wondering if I can try out for the team?â€
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“Try out?†the coach says. “You were my best player back in college. With you on our team, we’re bound for a playoff berth!â€
As both men smile, we fade out to a football game. It’s the T-Wrecks vs. their biggest rivals, the Mustangs.
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Omar “Freight†Diesel proceeds to be announced via a sportscaster, and the game is on its way. However, someone happens to be watching this announcement…IRON KLAW.
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“Hmmm…so he’s no longer a Joe?†Klaw says to Rampage. “If I have him, I can turn him into my new weapon!â€
“Rampage, get Freight, and I will turn him into my ultimate weapon!â€
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- Pan back to the football game –
“As the tough Freight Train†as he’s called by the announcer plows through the opposing team, he scores touchdown after touchdown, leading the T-Wrecks to a win against their biggest rivals, and is carried off the field by his teammates.
As Freight stands in the locker room, the Coach walks in to congratulate his player and share his joy about their championship game on the way.
Freight, torn, explains to his Coach that he doesn’t want to play anymore. Although Football was his first love, Freight now strives for bigger goals, not just a championship…but the fight for freedom.
Freight grabs a football and throws it at the wall. While the ball is hitting the wall, the wall suddenly explodes, leaving both Freight & his Coach in shock.
Standing behind the smoke & rubble is Rampage, accompanied by S.K.A.R. Shock Troopers, ready to make claim to Iron Klaw’s latest desire.
A fight breaks out between Freight & the Troopers. Rampage, never one to play fair, fires a small, mind controlling device at Freight, hitting him at the base of his head from behind, rendering him unconscious.
As the S.K.A.R. Troopers grab Freight, the Coach cries out “What have you done to him!â€
Rampage replies “What’s being done to him hasn’t even happened yet!â€
We pan back to Wreckage, who in pain due to his anger at the statements made by Klaw, blacks out into a flashback similar to that in “Crawling from the wreckageâ€.
He awakens to the news Freight being kidnapped on the news by the media.
“He doesn’t care. All he cares about is his own wants†Wreckage says to himself “I won’t let him put that arm on me, and I can’t let him give it to anyone else. I have to stop Klawâ€, Wreckage proclaims.
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At Iron Klaw’s base, we see that Freight is strapped down to a table, ready to be converted into Klaw’s latest weapon. Iron Klaw and Rampage discuss Freight’s fate…as all of a sudden there’s an explosion! Is it the Joes, there to rescue their old teammate?
Wreckage rumbles in, his sheer mass a fearsome sight. He screams out “I won’t let you do thisâ€, he says with a furious tone.
Klaw, drunk with power, refusing to let his new weapon escape him, turns to Rampage and says “Get on with itâ€â€¦â€¦
“Get on with it?â€â€¦.Wreckage says…while flashing back yet again, remembering that those same words were spoken to the surgeon who operated on him, turning him into the “Monster†he is today.
For Wreckage the similarities are too similiar for him to stand by by , even though he still doesnt realize that it was IRON KLAW who did this to him! Its still too much for him and to let it happened all over again........... well that just wont happened on his watch!
He throws his head back and lets out a bellowing “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOâ€
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Wreckage begins to go after Iron Klaw, ready to make him pay for all the pain he has caused Wreckage. While this is occurring, Freight breaks out of his bed, as he has already awoken and is quite aware of what is going on.
Refusing to let Wreckage have all the fun, he breaks free of his confines and attacks Rampage…the battle rages on, and Rampage is subdued by Wreckage, who helps a hurt Freight. The two give each other the “Thumbs Upâ€, as they proceed to go after Iron Klaw, who just manages to escape their hands.
As the two giants leave Klaw’s lair, Freight hands Wreckage the cybernetic hand that was going to be used on him. “This should have been destroyed inside along with everything else, Wreckage exclaims, as he takes the piece of hardware and crushes it in the grip of his mighty cybernetic arm.
Freight thanks Wreckage for all of his help, and sincerely offers him a spot on the Joe team.
“Join you? The Military? HAâ€, Wreckage walks away, disgusted.
“You need to realize who’s on your side. Klaw was only using you. You need to see who your real friends areâ€, Freight yells out…but in vein, as Wreckage continues to leave.
Freight stops for a moment of reflection, and realizes that his own advice would be best served “in houseâ€, and decides to return to the Joe HQ.
Heavy Metal, cast on one leg, crutch under one arm, is sitting at a computer station, when an alarm sounds!
“BOGEY!†he yells out, as he & his team members rush out to the front of the base.
“IT’S FREIGHT!†yells Black Dragon, as the entire Joe Team gather around to greet their old teammate and welcome him back.
Freight is approached by Metal Head, who lets him know that it’s about time he returned, and that they’re all happy to have their team member back.
Freight realizes…that the team he needed was the same one he left….with a smile on his face as we
Fade to black
My Thoughts – Every Joe story line, be it cartoon or comic, has the “Joe leaves the team in search of himself†episode, so why should extreme be any different? It was interesting to see the human side of Wreckage in this episode, as all I could see him as in his last appearance was as a walking weapon. Wreckage doesn’t exactly find out that it was Iron Klaw who did this to him but the idea is definitely planted, and so the question beckons, when and if he finds out, that it was Iron Klaw; will he strike back on his own? What of the Joes? Will they help? Time will only tell !
Notes by Jamar :
1. This is the 2nd of 3 episodes that would revolve around the Freight and Wreckage storyline. This storyline would conclude in season 2’s Wreckage Revege
2. This episode also marks the first appearance of Steel Raven, my favorite Woman villain in the entire GI Joe Universe. So this episode was a double pleasure for me. Check out her Declassified file here: ... 1136938345
3. Of interesting note, this episode had a PSA (Public Service Announcement) attached to the trailer. A young man, at the plate, being pitched to, strikes out. His teammates boo and hiss, making the young man bow his head in disgrace.
“You just don’t see what’s going onâ€, Lt. Stone says as he walks into the frame.
The PSA was based on the advice that eye examinations aren’t something to fear, but something to always remember to do, for your own sake. The PSA finishes with the slogan made famous by the original GI JOE series “Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!†which is something that always brings a smile to my face when I hear the Extreme Characters echoing the original Joes.
4. This episode also marks the point where Iron Klaw starts backing away from his minions and having them go through his new General Steel Raven. Before this episode Rampage, Inferno and the likes could meet with Iron Klaw , with no problem, which is why Rampage got so angry that he couldnt see Iron Klaw personally and had to go through Steel Raven. Whatever she has done, she sure has Iron Klaws complete trust in her.
5. We also are given a few more screen shots of the operation to change the man that would become Wreckage with the haunting Phraze " Get on with it "
6. Originally when I saw this episode for the first time back in 1996 I said no way would anyone ever give up a career and all that money in foot ball to join the Military but then The Irag War happened in 2003 and we had that Foot ball player from the NFL join the military with his brother and ultimately gave his life for his country. So I now look at this completely different and say that is very very possible
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Part 2
Part 3
- jamarmiller
- I am Wilder Vaughn, I am the Black Major
- Posts: 3923
- Joined: 07 Mar 2005 15:58
- Location: Fukuoka Japan---TAMPA Florida
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Episode #12
Episode 12 "Coup of the Klaw" Reviewed
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Episode 12: Coup of the Klaw
"You're a madman, Iron Klaw!" -- President of the United States
"No! I'm simply a firm leader." -- Iron Klaw
Review done by : Scorpion
Commentary done by : The CozmicKid
The episode begins in the capital building where the president has a meeting set up by count Count Von Rani with members of congress and leaders of the free world. Lt Stone tells Black Dragon that " this is a security nightmare" because everyone is in one place. Even though Lt Stone and Quick Strike don't trust Von Rani and believe he's Iron Klaw. It's interesting that they did not warn the president.
As Count Von Rani offers a toast with juice from Kalistan to offer a end of chaos in the world. Lt Stone suddenly realizes that the juice has something in it. He quickly smashes the juice then warns the President, but then Skar attacks and the President is in the middle of a cross fire. He does not want to leave, but he's told that as leader of the free world he needs to escape. Wreckage tells that everyone else is prisoner of Skar and Iron Klaw.
Iron klaw tell everyone that the president will join them soon. He then tells them that it will be there lives for total control of the United States. Meanwhile the president and the Joe's are talking about a rescue mission. Iron Klaw through a video message tells them " that the juice that they served was tainted with a special bacteria" the people he shows look like there turning into zombies. The president after the message changes his mind and does not was the rescue mission to happen because the hostages are at risk.
Afterwards the Joe's talk about freeing the hostages even though the President is against it. Clancy says its okay because the President orders are not legitimate enough because it's a order under a threat . After leaving, Clancy stays with the president as Lt Stone and his men go to the Lincoln memorial. He tells them " no matter what happens we go straight in, taking out Iron klaw is our only option" after they rush out they are caught by a general of the U.S. Military. He tells them that the president has them under military arrest. Black Dragon throws a flash grenade and then they run off.
After the distraction Quickstrike uses his rope against the soldiers. While this is happening Lt. Stone is caught by the general. As the General is about to kill him Wreckage steps in and captures him.
Iron Klaw through video communication tells Quickstrike to surrender or Stone will die. He tells the general to swear allegiance to him. He asks him to have Stone and his men transported then disposed. Black Dragon watches in the bushes as both Lt Stone and Quickstrike are captured.
Iron Klaw tells Wreckage " these are the men we want"
Next the President, through a telecast, tells the people of the United States that communication , transportation, and the pentagon are given up. The president gives the united states up in a unconditional surrender. Everyone on the TV is shocked and scared.
At the island Mayday shoots the TV after watching the news. Metal Head and Ballistic are ordered to take a Tiger Hawk and look for Stone. The Joes then are told to go to the Tomb of the unknown soldier , if anything goes wrong at the pentagon.
Black Dragon throws a fake bomb into a tank then hijacks it and takes control. then he refers to the men as " nervous types", he then follows them to where Stone and Quickstrike are held. He goes inside where there being held as prisoners (which is in the Washington monument) and climbs on top of the elevator.
The Joe's on the moving island attack a bridge to get entry into Washington D.C. In the white house the president is about to leave when suddenly Iron Klaw attacks them. He decides to use the oval office as his headquarters. Iron Klaw says " ahh the oval office the place I meant to rule"! At the monument where Stone and Quick Stryke is being held Iron Klaw tells Lt Stone that the rest of his men are about to be destroyed. Lt Stone watches as the base is being destroyed by none other than the US military!
Black Dragon swings into the room to rescue them. in the middle of the crossfire Dragon throws a grenade knocking down Wreckage and the Skar soldiers, down the elevator. Afterwards they are rescued by Metal Head. and then at the nations national cemetery Lt Stone hears from sarge that Joe island is destroyed. The episode ends with Lt. Stone saying " Iron Klaw has won" as he looks into flame and see's Iron Klaws face in the flames.
Finale Commentary by:Jeff M. aka The Cozmickid
If another cartoon series put its heroes in as dim a situation as the Joes found themselves at the end of this episode, I don't remember it.I like how all of Klaws careful plans came to a head in this episode. We see why he got so furious with his underlings when they messed up some sort event associated with the international alliance. He'd been exercising meticulous diplomacy over the past months as Count Von Rani to gather these world leaders in one place. And a thing about the name Count Von Rani--I don't think it's a coincidence that his name is meant to sound like something out of Dracula. If you're going to have a political villain in a show, why not make him resemble ol' Vlad of Transylvania? When Von Rani offers a toast to the leaders, I thought of regal vampire legend all over again.
This episode reasons Klaw's madness. We see him now as a charasmatic authority whose ambitions bend his mind. He is diplomatic, regal and ruthless all at once, and will stop at nothing to achieve his monarchial / tyrannical vision. Speaking of royalty, it might not be a coincidence that his cape is purple. Purple was the royal / regal / holy color of ancient times due to the rarity and expense of purple dye in those days. Whether it's a deliberate choice by the artists, I don't know. It's still a nice touch.
Klaw extorts authority from the president. The Joe's first efforts to depose him result in the destruction of their island. Sparsely equipped, they have to thwart SKAR forces at the same time they dodge and work around the US Army. But I digress. It's a gigantic, well drawn plot worthy of a Joe mini-movie. The worst one could say is that the episode was too busy--too much going on in its 20 minutes or so of airtime. That, and how did Joe island move along the Hudson / Potomac? They could have saved that resource, but perhaps it was the writer's idea to kill off such an implausible thing as a mobile island base.
I like when Sgt. Savage disables a tank and allows the soldiers inside to escape before he completely destroys it. It shows the Joes as upright people at the same time it accents the bizarre situation they've found themselves in.
That such a complex plot could emerge from such a new (at the time) series is a testifies to the writers' ability. With only the GI Joe name to fall back on, they exposed audiences to brand new characters, revealed the reasons why they fought, and similarly exposed the villains, all the while planting the bits and seeds that culminated in this episode and the episode that followed it.
Most cartoons aimed at young adults don't bother with story arcs at all--certainly, few at the time didn't. The ambitions of their villains--entertaining as they are--are rarely on such a grand scale, and so meticulously planned as Klaw's. I think his presence and character really makes this episode shine.
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Episode 12 "Coup of the Klaw" Reviewed
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Episode 12: Coup of the Klaw
"You're a madman, Iron Klaw!" -- President of the United States
"No! I'm simply a firm leader." -- Iron Klaw
Review done by : Scorpion
Commentary done by : The CozmicKid
The episode begins in the capital building where the president has a meeting set up by count Count Von Rani with members of congress and leaders of the free world. Lt Stone tells Black Dragon that " this is a security nightmare" because everyone is in one place. Even though Lt Stone and Quick Strike don't trust Von Rani and believe he's Iron Klaw. It's interesting that they did not warn the president.
As Count Von Rani offers a toast with juice from Kalistan to offer a end of chaos in the world. Lt Stone suddenly realizes that the juice has something in it. He quickly smashes the juice then warns the President, but then Skar attacks and the President is in the middle of a cross fire. He does not want to leave, but he's told that as leader of the free world he needs to escape. Wreckage tells that everyone else is prisoner of Skar and Iron Klaw.
Iron klaw tell everyone that the president will join them soon. He then tells them that it will be there lives for total control of the United States. Meanwhile the president and the Joe's are talking about a rescue mission. Iron Klaw through a video message tells them " that the juice that they served was tainted with a special bacteria" the people he shows look like there turning into zombies. The president after the message changes his mind and does not was the rescue mission to happen because the hostages are at risk.
Afterwards the Joe's talk about freeing the hostages even though the President is against it. Clancy says its okay because the President orders are not legitimate enough because it's a order under a threat . After leaving, Clancy stays with the president as Lt Stone and his men go to the Lincoln memorial. He tells them " no matter what happens we go straight in, taking out Iron klaw is our only option" after they rush out they are caught by a general of the U.S. Military. He tells them that the president has them under military arrest. Black Dragon throws a flash grenade and then they run off.
After the distraction Quickstrike uses his rope against the soldiers. While this is happening Lt. Stone is caught by the general. As the General is about to kill him Wreckage steps in and captures him.
Iron Klaw through video communication tells Quickstrike to surrender or Stone will die. He tells the general to swear allegiance to him. He asks him to have Stone and his men transported then disposed. Black Dragon watches in the bushes as both Lt Stone and Quickstrike are captured.
Iron Klaw tells Wreckage " these are the men we want"
Next the President, through a telecast, tells the people of the United States that communication , transportation, and the pentagon are given up. The president gives the united states up in a unconditional surrender. Everyone on the TV is shocked and scared.
At the island Mayday shoots the TV after watching the news. Metal Head and Ballistic are ordered to take a Tiger Hawk and look for Stone. The Joes then are told to go to the Tomb of the unknown soldier , if anything goes wrong at the pentagon.
Black Dragon throws a fake bomb into a tank then hijacks it and takes control. then he refers to the men as " nervous types", he then follows them to where Stone and Quickstrike are held. He goes inside where there being held as prisoners (which is in the Washington monument) and climbs on top of the elevator.
The Joe's on the moving island attack a bridge to get entry into Washington D.C. In the white house the president is about to leave when suddenly Iron Klaw attacks them. He decides to use the oval office as his headquarters. Iron Klaw says " ahh the oval office the place I meant to rule"! At the monument where Stone and Quick Stryke is being held Iron Klaw tells Lt Stone that the rest of his men are about to be destroyed. Lt Stone watches as the base is being destroyed by none other than the US military!
Black Dragon swings into the room to rescue them. in the middle of the crossfire Dragon throws a grenade knocking down Wreckage and the Skar soldiers, down the elevator. Afterwards they are rescued by Metal Head. and then at the nations national cemetery Lt Stone hears from sarge that Joe island is destroyed. The episode ends with Lt. Stone saying " Iron Klaw has won" as he looks into flame and see's Iron Klaws face in the flames.
Finale Commentary by:Jeff M. aka The Cozmickid
If another cartoon series put its heroes in as dim a situation as the Joes found themselves at the end of this episode, I don't remember it.I like how all of Klaws careful plans came to a head in this episode. We see why he got so furious with his underlings when they messed up some sort event associated with the international alliance. He'd been exercising meticulous diplomacy over the past months as Count Von Rani to gather these world leaders in one place. And a thing about the name Count Von Rani--I don't think it's a coincidence that his name is meant to sound like something out of Dracula. If you're going to have a political villain in a show, why not make him resemble ol' Vlad of Transylvania? When Von Rani offers a toast to the leaders, I thought of regal vampire legend all over again.
This episode reasons Klaw's madness. We see him now as a charasmatic authority whose ambitions bend his mind. He is diplomatic, regal and ruthless all at once, and will stop at nothing to achieve his monarchial / tyrannical vision. Speaking of royalty, it might not be a coincidence that his cape is purple. Purple was the royal / regal / holy color of ancient times due to the rarity and expense of purple dye in those days. Whether it's a deliberate choice by the artists, I don't know. It's still a nice touch.
Klaw extorts authority from the president. The Joe's first efforts to depose him result in the destruction of their island. Sparsely equipped, they have to thwart SKAR forces at the same time they dodge and work around the US Army. But I digress. It's a gigantic, well drawn plot worthy of a Joe mini-movie. The worst one could say is that the episode was too busy--too much going on in its 20 minutes or so of airtime. That, and how did Joe island move along the Hudson / Potomac? They could have saved that resource, but perhaps it was the writer's idea to kill off such an implausible thing as a mobile island base.
I like when Sgt. Savage disables a tank and allows the soldiers inside to escape before he completely destroys it. It shows the Joes as upright people at the same time it accents the bizarre situation they've found themselves in.
That such a complex plot could emerge from such a new (at the time) series is a testifies to the writers' ability. With only the GI Joe name to fall back on, they exposed audiences to brand new characters, revealed the reasons why they fought, and similarly exposed the villains, all the while planting the bits and seeds that culminated in this episode and the episode that followed it.
Most cartoons aimed at young adults don't bother with story arcs at all--certainly, few at the time didn't. The ambitions of their villains--entertaining as they are--are rarely on such a grand scale, and so meticulously planned as Klaw's. I think his presence and character really makes this episode shine.
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- jamarmiller
- I am Wilder Vaughn, I am the Black Major
- Posts: 3923
- Joined: 07 Mar 2005 15:58
- Location: Fukuoka Japan---TAMPA Florida
- Contact:
Episode #13
Episode 13"Rebellion" Reviewed , Season 1 Ending
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"Genghis Khan said, even in defeat you can make your enemies suffer"!---Iron Klaw
Review done by: Scorpion ... r=scorpion
The episode opens up during the middle of a baseball game . we see the fans cheer as the ball is hit into the air, then suddenly on the huge screen above they see Iron Klaw. He tells them that he holds everyone in the capital hostage and he tells them that the president has ordered for no one to interfere and that everyone is under Skars rule. Elsewhere in New York we see theres a small explosion which is followed by Iron Klaw's SKAR forces mobilizing in force, while Iron Klaw, who is in the White House, is gloating about conquering the United States.
When he asks for all the launch codes for all the us intercontinental missles, clancy suddently realizes that obtaining those missiles was Iron Klaws real plan all along! Once his real plan is revealed to the president. The president has a change of heart ,now,after realizing his mistake, he tells him " that he's through negotiating" and Iron Klaw responds " We shall see". In the next scene we see joe island sinking into the water. the general is watching as this transpires and says " We just destroyed the best hope that the world had" while he and his men salute at the cemetary we see the joes huddled up.
Mayday first asks " what do we do now, they destroyed joe island along with almost all our supplies its hopless" Lt Stones' response is to go to the capital and free the hostages and his plan is to create a distraction. Once at the pentagon Stone observes many U.S. tanks attacking and when he is asked what is going on he says " it looks like a rebellion. "!
On the roof top we see Rampage giving the commands to destroy the rebellion. Rampage reports the news that the army is trying to retake the pentagon and Iron Klaw asks Steel Raven for his Skar Troops. When more skar troops come the joes leave for the capital building. At the pentagon Rampage reports that even though there able to stop the troops momentarily more keep on comming.
Elsewhere in the capital, Inferno is having fun with the hostages. the hostages look like dead zombies from a horror movie. Iron Klaw calls in and tells him to " terminate the hostages one by one" and at the pentagon when the the attacking troops get inside, he is enraged. Then Rampage tells the invaders " this is Rampage your fighting against" a fleet of helicopters shoot him.
Inside the capital building Inferno is continueing to laugh, Black Dragon throws a device that entangles his arms. He has many Skar Troopers attack him. The Troopers shoot the curtains when they see Black Dragon go behind them but he is not there.!
Baliistic, Freight, and Sgt. Savage come out to rescue the hostages and in the middle of the fight Black Dragon destroys some of Infernos tubes that connect to his tank. After the fluid drips out of the cut hoses he uses his flame thrower to make a fire.
Iron Klaw learns that Inferno cannot terminate the hostages and that pentagon is taken over. Enraged he then asks Wreckage to destroy the president. Wreckage tells the president that the military created him which is why he wants revenge against the U.S. goverment. The President tells him that even if he dies he needs to learn the truth that the goverment was not involved with his creation. Then Wreckage decides not to follow his orders!
Enraged even more, Iron klaw then decides to kill the President and Clancy himself. Suddenly Lt Stone and Quick Strike crash into the room and in a turn of evens Wreckage does not destroy Lt Stone. Then Stone tells Klaw that " your all alone Iron Klaw" but he's not because he has Clancy still as his hostage.
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Iron Klaw takes Clancy with him to a secret door and after opening the door and disappearing behind it, the president reveals that the door is a escape passage that goes to a hanger under the rose garden used for terrorist attacks. Hearing this Quick Strike climbs down out of the window of the white house and see's Iron Klaw leaving in a Sky Stalker Jet. Mayday see's the helicopter in her sight but Stone asks for her to not attack because Clancy is on board.
Iron Klaw escapes and the general comes in and tells him that Skar is retreating all across the country. Lt Stone asks the President to give him the power " to give him every thing hes' got and this time were going to finish him. Across the globe at the castle of Count Von Rani , Clancy finds out that the Count is really Iron Klaw.!!!
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Servants of Count Von Rani ask why the Sky Stalker is there and he tells them not to argue with him. Iron Klaw takes Clancy to a secret place hidden by a revolving fire place. Here Clancy looses his glasses and Iron Klaw notices and says " you lost your sun glasses don't worry... you'll never see the sun again.!
Mayday takes Lt Stone to the castle where he parashoots down. Meanwhile Iron Klaw rallies the troops to fight. The men defending the castle are surprised because they believe Skar is attacking within the castle. Amist all of the fighting, Stone gets inside and then tries to find Iron Klaw. While searching he finds Clancys glasses. He realizes that the fire place hides a secret passage and fires at it.
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In the cave below the castle, Iron Klaw tells the troops " our enemies are at the castle with our superior fire power we can destroy them" after the planes leave Lt Stone comes out of the elevator, destroys the robots and then finds Iron Klaw who calls out to him. Iron Klaw tells Kis not dealing with just the joes but the us army as well.
Then we see Iron Klaw fight Lt Stone using a nice looking sword. Stone is able to take the sword from him during the battle and he uses the sword to open up a slippery flammable liquid that Iron Klaw slides on. The Lt. then takes a shield to fight with and then before Stone can stop him he gets a torch! He then throws him over his shoulder and the torch ignites the liquid and causes a guge explosion that Lt. Stone Barely manages to jump clear from.
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Metal Head and Quick Strike are caught in the explosions on the outside of the castle as well and Mayday ,Piloting the helicopter, sees' the explosion and is worried about Stone. When Lt. Stone wakes up he see's Clancy and hears Quickstrikes voice. Quick Strike finds the mask and believes he is gone. Stone is not sure if he's gone though but then Metal Head shows them the disk that he found that gives them information about the plague and how to cure it. Stone than says if Iron Klaw did survive he could be anywhere and anyone. then we see Clancy's face change to Iron Klaws in a symbolic scene, at the end, hinting that Iron Klaws is not only alive but even more dangerous than before!
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Finale comments : This episode had more action than the last. In this episode the team extreme has an advantage over Skar and the last episode of season 1 has a surprising ending
We also get to see Jamar's Favorite Female villian in the GI JOE Universe ----Steel Raven, makes an appearence as well
Now watch the entire episode in 3 parts here
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Episode 13"Rebellion" Reviewed , Season 1 Ending
Special note: If Images appear too big hit refresh and your computer will resize the images to better fit your screen
"Genghis Khan said, even in defeat you can make your enemies suffer"!---Iron Klaw
Review done by: Scorpion ... r=scorpion
The episode opens up during the middle of a baseball game . we see the fans cheer as the ball is hit into the air, then suddenly on the huge screen above they see Iron Klaw. He tells them that he holds everyone in the capital hostage and he tells them that the president has ordered for no one to interfere and that everyone is under Skars rule. Elsewhere in New York we see theres a small explosion which is followed by Iron Klaw's SKAR forces mobilizing in force, while Iron Klaw, who is in the White House, is gloating about conquering the United States.
When he asks for all the launch codes for all the us intercontinental missles, clancy suddently realizes that obtaining those missiles was Iron Klaws real plan all along! Once his real plan is revealed to the president. The president has a change of heart ,now,after realizing his mistake, he tells him " that he's through negotiating" and Iron Klaw responds " We shall see". In the next scene we see joe island sinking into the water. the general is watching as this transpires and says " We just destroyed the best hope that the world had" while he and his men salute at the cemetary we see the joes huddled up.
Mayday first asks " what do we do now, they destroyed joe island along with almost all our supplies its hopless" Lt Stones' response is to go to the capital and free the hostages and his plan is to create a distraction. Once at the pentagon Stone observes many U.S. tanks attacking and when he is asked what is going on he says " it looks like a rebellion. "!
On the roof top we see Rampage giving the commands to destroy the rebellion. Rampage reports the news that the army is trying to retake the pentagon and Iron Klaw asks Steel Raven for his Skar Troops. When more skar troops come the joes leave for the capital building. At the pentagon Rampage reports that even though there able to stop the troops momentarily more keep on comming.
Elsewhere in the capital, Inferno is having fun with the hostages. the hostages look like dead zombies from a horror movie. Iron Klaw calls in and tells him to " terminate the hostages one by one" and at the pentagon when the the attacking troops get inside, he is enraged. Then Rampage tells the invaders " this is Rampage your fighting against" a fleet of helicopters shoot him.
Inside the capital building Inferno is continueing to laugh, Black Dragon throws a device that entangles his arms. He has many Skar Troopers attack him. The Troopers shoot the curtains when they see Black Dragon go behind them but he is not there.!
Baliistic, Freight, and Sgt. Savage come out to rescue the hostages and in the middle of the fight Black Dragon destroys some of Infernos tubes that connect to his tank. After the fluid drips out of the cut hoses he uses his flame thrower to make a fire.
Iron Klaw learns that Inferno cannot terminate the hostages and that pentagon is taken over. Enraged he then asks Wreckage to destroy the president. Wreckage tells the president that the military created him which is why he wants revenge against the U.S. goverment. The President tells him that even if he dies he needs to learn the truth that the goverment was not involved with his creation. Then Wreckage decides not to follow his orders!
Enraged even more, Iron klaw then decides to kill the President and Clancy himself. Suddenly Lt Stone and Quick Strike crash into the room and in a turn of evens Wreckage does not destroy Lt Stone. Then Stone tells Klaw that " your all alone Iron Klaw" but he's not because he has Clancy still as his hostage.
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Iron Klaw takes Clancy with him to a secret door and after opening the door and disappearing behind it, the president reveals that the door is a escape passage that goes to a hanger under the rose garden used for terrorist attacks. Hearing this Quick Strike climbs down out of the window of the white house and see's Iron Klaw leaving in a Sky Stalker Jet. Mayday see's the helicopter in her sight but Stone asks for her to not attack because Clancy is on board.
Iron Klaw escapes and the general comes in and tells him that Skar is retreating all across the country. Lt Stone asks the President to give him the power " to give him every thing hes' got and this time were going to finish him. Across the globe at the castle of Count Von Rani , Clancy finds out that the Count is really Iron Klaw.!!!
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Servants of Count Von Rani ask why the Sky Stalker is there and he tells them not to argue with him. Iron Klaw takes Clancy to a secret place hidden by a revolving fire place. Here Clancy looses his glasses and Iron Klaw notices and says " you lost your sun glasses don't worry... you'll never see the sun again.!
Mayday takes Lt Stone to the castle where he parashoots down. Meanwhile Iron Klaw rallies the troops to fight. The men defending the castle are surprised because they believe Skar is attacking within the castle. Amist all of the fighting, Stone gets inside and then tries to find Iron Klaw. While searching he finds Clancys glasses. He realizes that the fire place hides a secret passage and fires at it.
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In the cave below the castle, Iron Klaw tells the troops " our enemies are at the castle with our superior fire power we can destroy them" after the planes leave Lt Stone comes out of the elevator, destroys the robots and then finds Iron Klaw who calls out to him. Iron Klaw tells Kis not dealing with just the joes but the us army as well.
Then we see Iron Klaw fight Lt Stone using a nice looking sword. Stone is able to take the sword from him during the battle and he uses the sword to open up a slippery flammable liquid that Iron Klaw slides on. The Lt. then takes a shield to fight with and then before Stone can stop him he gets a torch! He then throws him over his shoulder and the torch ignites the liquid and causes a guge explosion that Lt. Stone Barely manages to jump clear from.
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Metal Head and Quick Strike are caught in the explosions on the outside of the castle as well and Mayday ,Piloting the helicopter, sees' the explosion and is worried about Stone. When Lt. Stone wakes up he see's Clancy and hears Quickstrikes voice. Quick Strike finds the mask and believes he is gone. Stone is not sure if he's gone though but then Metal Head shows them the disk that he found that gives them information about the plague and how to cure it. Stone than says if Iron Klaw did survive he could be anywhere and anyone. then we see Clancy's face change to Iron Klaws in a symbolic scene, at the end, hinting that Iron Klaws is not only alive but even more dangerous than before!
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Finale comments : This episode had more action than the last. In this episode the team extreme has an advantage over Skar and the last episode of season 1 has a surprising ending
We also get to see Jamar's Favorite Female villian in the GI JOE Universe ----Steel Raven, makes an appearence as well
Now watch the entire episode in 3 parts here
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
- DAMartin
- Knowing isss half the battle
- Posts: 3932
- Joined: 27 Apr 2009 17:37
- Location: A farm in Ercilla, Chile
No offence, Jamar, but you should put the reviews on separate threads. Together, they are very heavy and freeze my PC (I guess others have had the same problem), while I don't have any trouble with the separate Action Man reviews.
"You were engineered with such potential, Serpentor. But you lack the most important DNA of all... mine."
- jamarmiller
- I am Wilder Vaughn, I am the Black Major
- Posts: 3923
- Joined: 07 Mar 2005 15:58
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oh none taken thank you for telling me, Im going to try and split up the seasons in two threads to make it easier if its still too big and hard for some Ill split them up
thanks for letting me know I appreciate it!
thanks for letting me know I appreciate it!