Hasbro Q&A from other sites
Posted: 04 Jun 2008 02:42
Are there plans to expand the International subset to include Action Force and the Red Shadows?
There are no current plans for this, but we have discussed the idea for the future.
http://www.cooltoyreview.com/story/fron ... 115084.asp
1)We want the GIJOE 25th clamshell cases. Will these be available soon?
A.Our goal is to give fans what they want…so keep the requests coming. Clamshells will debut at SDCC this year.
2)Are there going to be any Wal-Mart exclusives?
A. Yes, the fall 2008 exclusives for all retailers will be debuted at JoeCon…and boy do we have some incredible things coming!
3)Can you tell us more about the Hall of Heroes set that is coming next year?
A. The top 10 fan voted characters will debuted at JoeCon. This assortment is meant specifically for our collectors as a way to celebrate the end of the classic line as we head into the movie line.
4)With RED LASER ( a RED SHADOW ) making it into the Top 3 in the custom contest and with Devils Due recently bringing back the RED SHADOWS to the comic page, has the design team even looked at the possiblity of doing these UK repaints in your new International Collection?
A. There are no plans for bringing back the Red Shadows right now, but they are on our radar.
5)How will the Combat Heroes line be set up? Will we get both Classic Joes and Movie Joes?
A. Yes, the line will start off giving you classic expressions and transition to movie figures in 2009.
http://www.joebattlelines.com/phpBB3/vi ... f=5&t=6556
http://www.joesightings.com/forums/inde ... topic=8099
http://www.figures.com/databases/action ... e=607&nl=1
FIGS: With the international collection logo on the new Ninja Ku Leader Storm Shadow, can we expect more internationally-themed figures in coming waves?
HASBRO: There may be one or two more down the line, but not in 2008.

There are no current plans for this, but we have discussed the idea for the future.
http://www.cooltoyreview.com/story/fron ... 115084.asp
1)We want the GIJOE 25th clamshell cases. Will these be available soon?
A.Our goal is to give fans what they want…so keep the requests coming. Clamshells will debut at SDCC this year.
2)Are there going to be any Wal-Mart exclusives?
A. Yes, the fall 2008 exclusives for all retailers will be debuted at JoeCon…and boy do we have some incredible things coming!
3)Can you tell us more about the Hall of Heroes set that is coming next year?
A. The top 10 fan voted characters will debuted at JoeCon. This assortment is meant specifically for our collectors as a way to celebrate the end of the classic line as we head into the movie line.

A. There are no plans for bringing back the Red Shadows right now, but they are on our radar.
5)How will the Combat Heroes line be set up? Will we get both Classic Joes and Movie Joes?
A. Yes, the line will start off giving you classic expressions and transition to movie figures in 2009.
http://www.joebattlelines.com/phpBB3/vi ... f=5&t=6556
http://www.joesightings.com/forums/inde ... topic=8099
http://www.figures.com/databases/action ... e=607&nl=1
FIGS: With the international collection logo on the new Ninja Ku Leader Storm Shadow, can we expect more internationally-themed figures in coming waves?
HASBRO: There may be one or two more down the line, but not in 2008.