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Archive dilemma

Posted: 07 May 2013 14:01
by The Baron
Something occurred to me while arranging the page order for the Collectors Guide. All of the 1985-onwards figures in the archive are listed by codename, but the 1983-1984 section is jumbled. Some are listed by codename - including all of the Red Shadows and all of the AF the driver figures, but others are listed by job title. Here are the descrepancies:

SAS Commando / Quickfire
SAS Frogman / Barracuda
SAS Pilot / Chopper
SAS Squad Leader / Eagle

Z Force Captain / Skip
Z Force Medic / Doc
Z Force Minesweeper / Scout
Z Force Radio Operator / Breaker

Q Force Aqua Trooper / Shark
Q Force Deep Sea Defender / Leviathan
Q Force Sea Skimmer / Surfer
Q Force Sonar Officer / Phones

Space Force Commander / Sky Raider
Space Force Engineer / Kiwi
Space Force Patroller / Blast Off
Space Force Pilot / Hot Jets
Space Force Security Trooper / Hawkwind

I'm tempted to rename them all by their codenames, what do you guys think? Please discuss as well as voting!

Re: Archive dilemma

Posted: 07 May 2013 14:10
by meertoh
Why not list them all by their job title in the same order as the cardback?


Re: Archive dilemma

Posted: 07 May 2013 14:14
by The Baron
Because the driver figures are incorporated, oh and that's not alphabetical!

Re: Archive dilemma

Posted: 07 May 2013 15:49
by Dark Horse
Cardback plz.

Re: Archive dilemma

Posted: 07 May 2013 15:57
by The Baron
What about separating the driver figures from the carded figures? There, buggered the poll already!

Re: Archive dilemma

Posted: 07 May 2013 16:07
by meertoh
Yes, keep them separated.

Re: Archive dilemma

Posted: 07 May 2013 18:17
by ZForce Loon
Team then Drivers

Re: Archive dilemma

Posted: 07 May 2013 19:40
by SteveD
Leave it be!!! Stop playing with it!!!!

Tbh if you say to me "hotjets" I ain't got a clue.

Re: Archive dilemma

Posted: 07 May 2013 19:41
by The Baron
I like playing with it.

Re: Archive dilemma

Posted: 07 May 2013 20:16
by The Kraken Wakes
If you play around with it these kind of things grow and grow into something much bigger.