Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by Space Commander »

As for NEW :AFLogo: figures, it seems we have lots of good ideas... but as the Baron said, we'd better untangle the legalities first.

I wonder if we can make straight-limbed versions of the bendy figures? Maybe an :nobokov: Anton Nobokov figure instead of a :jackal: Red Jackal figure etc. etc. . And :laser: Red Laser isn't a far cry from :shadow: a Shad to begin with!

But yes, once we know where we stand legally we can start looking for people with industry know-how....

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by The Baron »

I think the names Red Jackal, Red Laser etc are also free. They certainly didn't say otherwise. All they really said is that they had the copyright to release GI Joe under Action Force. So whether that means they own the rights to the names GI Joe and Action Force, or just to GI Joe I am not sure. Certainly the team-names are available and the figure names too.

We may need to clarify things such as duplicate names, ie Stalker would be SAS Stalker or similar, but then again, if we pursue this would we recreate the old toys, or just bolster their ranks with new creations? We're not looking to replace the toyline here, but (ideally) to continue it.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by Space Commander »

The Baron wrote:But then again, if we pursue this would we recreate the old toys, or just bolster their ranks with new creations? We're not looking to replace the toyline here, but (ideally) to continue it.
I agree completely. Its just that... I'd love it if my two young nephews could walk into their local toyshop and buy a brand new :skip: , :eagle2: , :levi: , or :skyraider: just like we all did. :lol:

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by SteveD »

Chopper wrote:
The Baron wrote: I did a google yesterday and went blind.
That's what the net is for;-) Seriously tho, any lawyer types here? I'll ask my Bass player, when I see him otherwise. He's a lawyer. Really, he is.

Erm, Hello? I might be.... depends if you'll all pick on me if I own up to it????
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by The Baron »

We'll pick on you either way, mate.

Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated!

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by paul463 »

SteveD wrote:Chopper wrote:
The Baron wrote:
I did a google yesterday and went blind.

That's what the net is for;-) Seriously tho, any lawyer types here? I'll ask my Bass player, when I see him otherwise. He's a lawyer. Really, he is.

Erm, Hello? I might be.... depends if you'll all pick on me if I own up to it????
You're a blind lawyer? Does that mean you're Dare Devil!?

Joking aside this is good news. Are the original molds still in existence? Or are they long gone?
When confronted by a difficult problem you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question. How would the Lone Ranger handle this?

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by jamarmiller »

IM betting that hasbro doesnt own the Palitoy stuff period even the characters that used the Hasbro molds, at least not thier names. Im thinking hasbro owns the ACTION FORCE that resembled the GI JOE logo, they are two different things

85 percent sure of this

but ya the characters are all up

problem is your might not be able to copyright certain names like HUNTER or DOC.

However you could do it in a way, you would have to copyright it like this

SVEN " DOC" Ingleson

then you would have to copyright it as a comic book character and a toy

the copyright search is going to be the expensive part

and I love the DDP doing the RED SHADOWS thing ! maybe we can talk to them???

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