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Re: "Look around you"

Posted: 18 Jul 2010 08:46
by paul463
The only bits of Chelmsford 123 I've seen are the youtube clips posted here. Laughed my arse off at them though so should maybe buy the DVD's

Re: "Look around you"

Posted: 18 Jul 2010 10:22
by Chopper
No DVD's avaliable. Still look what happened with Sledge Hammer. ;-) I have downloaded them if you want a copy? Took me ages to find the bloody things.

Mungo: They call me Mungo the Contradictory.
Roman: Do they?
Mungo: No.

Re: "Look around you"

Posted: 18 Jul 2010 10:27
by paul463
That'd be great cheers

Re: "Look around you"

Posted: 18 Jul 2010 11:53
by Thundershot
4OD (channel 4's version of b.b.c's iplayer) has the complete series available via you tube to view.

Absolutely is on there too, as well as many other great old shows...not sure about 'Chance In A Million'

Re: "Look around you"

Posted: 18 Jul 2010 12:07
by Chopper
I suppose you could just install download helper and bobs yer uncle. ;-)