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Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Posted: 22 Mar 2010 19:27
by The Kraken Wakes
Ive wanted to create a shad scientist for a while but alwys felt it trod on the toes of ironblood and laser - think hes a nice one off trooper maybe?

Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Posted: 22 Mar 2010 20:09
by gung-hoeddie
someone needed to create the Muton could this be our man?

Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Posted: 22 Mar 2010 20:24
by Thundershot
:wheels: "Sorry guy's it just popped in there..."
:skip:"What just "popped" in there?"
:wheels: "It's the Stay Puft Marshmallow Shadow!"

Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Posted: 22 Mar 2010 21:00
by humby248
Like it mate. I am thinking Artic Shadow trooper for this one. How about using Dr Rex's head for a Shadow scientist?

Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Posted: 22 Mar 2010 23:34
by Chopper
After much deliberation I have had to go with the scientist. He looks the part, the more I look at him. Nice work Steve, he looks nasty. Red Dentist, maybe?

Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Posted: 23 Mar 2010 07:41
by Quickfire
Eerie yet groovy figure. But probably :baron: and :laser: would top him with the help of a couple of :muton:

Also, alternative paintjob could conjure up one of the Shads :stake: saves :eagle2: from in his BAF biopic?


Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 04:59
by The Baron
Shad Medic?

You could call him

wait for it...

Red Cross.


Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 06:07
by Chopper

Code Name: Red Cross
Personal Name: Unknown
Action Force Code Number: None
Primary Military Speciality: Doctor
Secondary Military Speciality: Vet
Birthplace: Unknown

A horrible doctor, more fatalities on the operating table than even Ironblood could hope for. He went broke as after nearly every operation he would have to by a new watch. He then turned to Ironblood in an effort to stave off the debtors, but he really loves his work so he stayed on.

"Red Cross is REALLY bad as a quack, his answer to the old wounded Shadow conundrum is a 9mm injection applied to the temple. Very Efficient."

Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 07:19
by SteveD
ha! Love it! Red cross he shall be! Excellent profile too chopper!!!

Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 07:25
by Chopper
SteveD wrote:ha! Love it! Red cross he shall be! Excellent profile too chopper!!!
Glad to help ;-) It reminded me so much of this;