Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by Dave Tree »

good point, how about asking for a relevant contact?
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by jamarmiller »

ya but those kinds of questions Hasbro will answer ANY TIME and its questions like that , that they wont necessary want to include in a public forum type Q and A like this

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by The Baron »

Yeah, I like to use the opportunity to a) promote BFTB b) keep the Red Shadows an active concern and c) focus on the Uk angle of GI Joe. There are loads of Joe sites who can ask about variant Python Force prototypes etc.

One question I know of that I doubt will be asked anywhere else but lots of our US members want to know...

"Are there any plans to release the Panini GI Joe - Rise of Cobra in the US? Many of our UK members have purchased multiple copies and forwarded them to US fans."

I'm sure we can still fashion a question, Dave, but we need to be wary of anything that can be dubbed "not my department, mate". We've been fobbed off before.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by The Baron »

Sundance wrote:has legal got back to you about our request to create a Red Shadow convention exclusive for our con in late 2010?
Ah, got you now...

3) If it's not too much bother, please could you specify which Action Force character rights you own (if not all of them, that is)? We are cautious about overstepping any legal boundaries in regards to fanfic or other fan-projects.

We appreciate your concern for the intellectual property rights involved. We would have to check with our legal department to give you a definitive answer.

You'll note they never actually said that they would... just that would have to.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by Sundance »

yes, that's the one. poke em with a sharp stick and ask something like:

We're planning a UK GI Joe/Action Force convention in late 2010 as mentioned before. You indicated you would need to contact your legal department over IP rights for any AF characters. Could you do so and contact us later, or please provide us with a means to contact your legal eagles directly?

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by Double-Tap »

i'd be interested to know if the "pursuit of cobra" toys will be getting a british/europe release.

not too sure how well the roc toys have sold

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by Space Commander »

The Baron wrote: Ah, got you now...

3) If it's not too much bother, please could you specify which Action Force character rights you own (if not all of them, that is)? We are cautious about overstepping any legal boundaries in regards to fanfic or other fan-projects.

We appreciate your concern for the intellectual property rights involved. We would have to check with our legal department to give you a definitive answer.

You'll note they never actually said that they would... just that would have to.
Aye, that was my question from awhile ago.... We're as yet to receive any follow-up....

ACTION FORCE; The 21st Century Mini-Comics Project. http://www.bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/ ... 62&t=13534

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Dave Tree
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by Dave Tree »

Double-tap wrote:i'd be interested to know if the "pursuit of cobra" toys will be getting a british/europe release.

not too sure how well the roc toys have sold
awfully bad sadly. They stuffed it up as they did with Indy, discount at launch and then fail to ever sell at the correct RRP as everyone thinks they should be sub £5.
Hasbro Europe would have been better equiped to plow the discounting into a mail away or bogof promotions rather than pricing.
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by The Baron »

We asked about the Pursuit of Cobra toyline last time.

2) Is it true that the Pursuit Of Cobra line has been cancelled for the UK?

No plans have been confirmed at present.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by The Baron »

OK, here's our submission:

1) With the recent announcement that the Max Steel movie by Paramount will star one of the cast from the Twilight movie series, are there any plans for a similar project featuring Action Man?

2) Are there any plans to release the UK GI Joe - Rise of Cobra comic by Panini in the US? Many of our UK members have been purchasing multiple copies and forwarding them along to US fans.

3) We are progressing well with our plans for a UK GI Joe/Action Force convention in October 2010. What is the best way for us to co-ordinate with your people directly, please?

I think I've managed to blend both Dave Tree and Sundance's points into question 3, I left the Quarrel and Pursuit of Cobra questions out as we've already asked them!

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