Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by The Baron »

I don't think it's an unreasonable question. They know we want the Red Shadows. If they don't own the rights any longer, and therefore cannot release any toys, it saves up bombarding them with pointless questions. Also, with this Q&A session we are guaranteed an answer, whereas a behind-the-scenes approach could very well lead us nowhere. If they say no they say no.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by Double-Tap »

The Baron wrote:I don't think it's an unreasonable question. They know we want the Red Shadows. If they don't own the rights any longer, and therefore cannot release any toys, it saves up bombarding them with pointless questions. Also, with this Q&A session we are guaranteed an answer, whereas a behind-the-scenes approach could very well lead us nowhere. If they say no they say no.
If they dont own the rights and anyone can reissue Af then whats to stop them?

It would probably be better if hasbro released them rather than some other company that would issue cheap quality products cashing in on the name but i would love BFTB to somehow be involved. fans that would be passionate and ensure that they would deliver a quality product

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by The Kraken Wakes »

I think that compared to todays figures the af ones are as basic as you can get... My local discount shop sells better made (but far less inspired in terms of design) figures than af... I think thats really the key, design is everything...

wonder how much the whole thing would cost from start to finish, producing a figure... There must be some small toy factory out there in the wide world eaasily capable of producing a batch of figures for not TOO exorbitant a sum...
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by Double-Tap »

The Kraken Wakes wrote:
wonder how much the whole thing would cost from start to finish, producing a figure... There must be some small toy factory out there in the wide world eaasily capable of producing a batch of figures for not TOO exorbitant a sum...
i think the main costs are the moulds and if hasbro arent using them surely it would make business sense to lease them out. AF is an established brand name. There are a lot of companies releasing cheap figs at the moment. World peace keeper 3 packs sell for about 4 quid and the quality is pretty good so producing them musnt be too expensive. Diversity isnt a problem either just look at the custom section here. get them made in china or taiwan etc to keep costs down.

A three pack Red shadow set with 1 main character and 2 shad army builders for a fiver would rock my boat!!

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by The Baron »

Maybe contact Marauder's and Aloyosha to find out more about the manufacturing process?

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by The Baron »

Thinking about vehicles, if we could only make one of each, these are the 5 I feel are most lacking from the original range.

:enemy: Jeep
:sas: Chinook
:zforce: Hercules
:qforce: Boat
:space: Moonbase

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Post by Space Commander »

Just a quick post! (I hope it doesn't come across as blunt, it's way past my bedtime!)
What if we took both tactics and merged them? IE. Take my earlier question (or something like it)... and then ask Hasbro if they'd like to help us? They have the production knowledge after all :skyraider: .
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by jamarmiller »

I have two thoughts if everyone is intent on asking a question like this then i would phrase it in a way that

1. Includes a fan club / convention in the UK much like that of the GI JOE Club in the USA,

2. Back it up with an actual plan. Nothing more a company hates, than and idea without a plan how to do it.

Ideas they have and they dont need more of

we need to contact transforce or auto assembly and realy get a UK Convention that is a joint convention of Transformers./ Action Man/ Action force and GI JOE

get someone with some real backing financial and experience wise ( both conventions )

JUST MY 2 cents

and contacting alyosha and maurader inc would definately be the way to go

you could also contact the transformers guys in china that does the world smallest dinobots and the upcoming roller and ultra magnus trailer

they might know about things

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by scoobydie »

The Baron wrote:Thinking about vehicles, if we could only make one of each, these are the 5 I feel are most lacking from the original range.

:enemy: Jeep
:sas: Chinook
:zforce: Hercules
:qforce: Boat
:space: Moonbase
Oh yes, a Hercules please :)
Not that I`m biased towards an air force!
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by paul463 »

I'm not averse to a herc but at 1/18 scale it would take up a large part of everyones living room, it would be huge!
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