Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars

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Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars

Post by Doc »

Since the Spectacular both Financial/Critical flop of Solo, heads are set to roll over at Disney, namely Kathleen Kennedy.
This Social Justice Warrior agenda isnt working out for fans and they arent buying tickets or mechandise.
Project films on Obi Wan Kenobi and Bobba Fett are cancelled.

Where is it all going to end?

We dont need forced diversity, agendas, fetishes about droids and interspecies relationships.

We need to go back to quality stories with great characters.

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Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars

Post by The Kraken Wakes »

Is there confirmation they are cancelled? The last thing I saw was that Disney refuted any cancellations or changes.
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Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars

Post by Doc » ... -spinoffs/

I dont think it is cancelled like proper cancelled but I would think like anything like support characters and script are in the bin until they work out how to get back to the winning formula

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Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars

Post by The Baron »

Not so. ... le_sequels
On June 20, Collider claimed that all future 'Star Wars Story' films were on hold due to the financial performance of Solo. A day later, Lucasfilm told ABC News that this was not correct and that numerous unannounced stand-alone films were still in development, but that they would be taking time to reassess several aspects of them, including production, budget and marketing. Making Star Wars reported that a previously unknown Mos Eisley Spaceport film was the source of the rumors and was postponed or canceled, while all other previously reported yet unannounced stand-alone films were still in development.

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Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars

Post by Doc »

I would think that the concepts of A Solo origins story, Kenobi: Before Yavin, Fett : Early years. Are all great concepts and I would go to see them in a heartbeat.
The problem is the Management and production is all about the agenda and with poor story lines and script editing.
There is no need for diversity and gay agendas in a family film. Bring it back make it sweet and simple, concentrate on the story lines. To be honest I havent seen Solo but I am a little disturbed with the reference to having sex with robots as being paedophilic.

Come on Disney you are better than this.

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Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars

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Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars

Post by Doc »

No no not just my opinion. The films are tanking at the box office and more importantly, the toys will not perform as expected.

Problems with directors...... Its going down the pan

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Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars

Post by Chopper »

Star Wars tackled oppression and subversion pretty well. It never tackled sh*t that everyone took for granted, like sexuality. Star Trek did that well enough for us already. I think a lot of people missed the points of the prequel trilogy, which is why it wasn't as well liked as the OT. Given the Jah Jah Abrahms movies, GL looks like some kind of god. At least he could tell a good story that didn't repeat old stories or flush everything just to appeal to the "everyone gets an award" PC bullshit crowd.
The Last Jedi was pretty awful, on a level that beggars belief. Rouge One is proof it can be done well. Disney is proof they can f*ck things up with little regard for the people that pay them to push an agenda. And, miss a demographic by a country mile. Star Wars isn't PC, it isn't lollipops and rainbows and it isn't a vehicle for LBGTWTF. It is a story about a family and friends fighting for their freedom.
Anyway, it is pretty easy to pull Disney apart and point out where it went wrong - dumb jokes, plot holes you can walk a Wampa through, pointless side stories, epic failures in physics....
Solo lost money, TLJ made a fraction of what the first JJ film did (which was also crapulant, and didn't help the last two) and heads are poised to roll. Unfortunately JJ has been given back the helm. He will do exactly what he did in the first one. Not an original thought in his head.

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Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars

Post by Doc »

So? Where do we go from here? Has anything been learned, ie will anything change?
This seems to have come as a sort of a curveball to Disney who didnt see this coming. Surely test audience would have alerted them to the dangers?
Nothing talks like money Merchandise is left at knockdown prices on the shelf (remember the GI Joe film franchise?) and bums arent on seats. Then again in the 90's and Naughties the Disney corporation had great material and crappy CEOs . They were selling DVDs at €30 each from their back catalogue. They let DreamWorks in where they shouldnt have been given a sniff, and them some in and release great titles like a Bugs life and Shrek.
So what changes need to be made?

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Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars

Post by Double-Tap »

After TLJ I was done with SW.
No interest in soylo or SJW jedi.
Then they brought back clone wars!!

I actually shed a tear at the news.
Bastards (but in a really good way)

Think I have a man crush on dave filoni.

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