My mother gave my GI Joe/Action Force Collection to a Charity shop

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My mother gave my GI Joe/Action Force Collection to a Charity shop

Post by Doc »

My mother has given my complete collection to the charity shop who sold it on the internet and then have no record who bought it.
I have Higher Functioning Autism/Aspergers Syndrome and it triggered a melt down. She lives in a massive bungalow and I live with my girlfriend in a tiny wooden Cabin.

My girllfriend is furious as she had to put up with a 2 day meltdown. My mother knew this would happen, this all happened 6 weeks ago while I was going back to school. There was a near complete Roboskull, a few Vampires, two complete hydrofoils. 40 Red Shadows, 7 Krackens 2 mine sweepers, 3 Docs......... Crimson Guards and Greenshirts.

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Re: My mother gave my GI Joe/Action Force Collection to a Charity shop

Post by The Baron »

That's terrible! There's no way they don't have any records of an online sale.

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Re: My mother gave my GI Joe/Action Force Collection to a Charity shop

Post by Doc »

I have no ill wishes on who bought them but its an absolute nightmare for my girlfriend. I spent years collecting them. She isnt a medically trained anything, and then I had what looked like a psychotic meltdown

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Re: My mother gave my GI Joe/Action Force Collection to a Charity shop

Post by Double-Tap »

Oh man thats awful.

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Re: My mother gave my GI Joe/Action Force Collection to a Charity shop

Post by DAMartin »

As an Aspergers myself, I find sympathy for what your girlfriend bore and I recognise that the buyer has no fault as he surely didn't know the whole story, but your mother comes out to me as very un-empathethic. Sorry, pal.
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Re: My mother gave my GI Joe/Action Force Collection to a Charity shop

Post by Double-Tap »

Doc how old are you?
I only ask as you said you were returning to school.

My son, 6, was diagnosed with aspergers 2 years ago and I can imagine how he would react to something like that.

I cannot imagine how I would react if someone sold my collection but id probably end up in jail.
Normals dont get the whole collecting thing esp toys.

Look forward.
They're only wee bits of plastic. No one died or got hurt.

I reckon I can kickstart your new collection.
Can do you a shadow, black major and ironbutt, probably a few other bits and bobs
PM me your address and I'll sort something out.

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Re: My mother gave my GI Joe/Action Force Collection to a Charity shop

Post by The Kraken Wakes »

So sorry to hear this, saw the subject pop up in the feed and was hoping this was an incident from years ago. I don't know how id react if anything happened to my collection.
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Re: My mother gave my GI Joe/Action Force Collection to a Charity shop

Post by mark »

Some people don't understand the time / effort / money and dedication needed to collect old toys! I would have flipped to!

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Re: My mother gave my GI Joe/Action Force Collection to a Charity shop

Post by Doc »

I have a late diagnosis of HFA/Aspergers at 35, I am 40 now. My sister came back from Australia when I was 26 and couldnt get back to her old job for 6 months so she went to the public hospital. She had a theater job and she said to another nurse "All the doctors are weirdos and assholes", Oh no they all have Aspergers syndrome. So I had to wait a whole 10 years to find out. It was until I read Prof Tony Attwoods A complete guide to Aspergers Syndrome, that it made sense.

All my family specialise in some form of Medicine (I am the running joke doing Acupuncture). My Uncle and grand mother were great herbalist but never practiced or handed down their knowledge. I have all the Battle Action Force comics downloaded, so I can go back and relive happy memories.

I cant store any more stuff as I live in a wood cabin. Its like living in a submarine. I am thinking after repeating high school to go back and do a double degree in Science and get the hell off this fecking small minded Island.

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