Hi folks,
One of the main attractions at last Saturday's East Kirkby airshow was this superb OV-10 Bronco:
An ex West German Luftwaffe aircraft, which still wears it's service markings (including hi-vis orange training unit markings) this visitor to the U.K. made the trip to the U.K. from it's home in Belgium.
The plane's also been decorated with special markings marking centenary commemorations for WWI..
The pilot performed an amazing routine which showed off the aircraft's superb agility & short field landing/ take-off performance:
This was the first time I'd seen a Bronco "in the flesh" & must say I'm most impressed.. hard to believe that this aeroplane dates from the 1960's! The U.S.A.F. retired their fleet just before second Gulf War, but they've recently brought some back to support U.S. special forces fighting in Iraq.