Rogue one.

For all the conversation that has nothing to do with anything!
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Re: Rogue one.

Post by Chopper »

Double-Tap wrote::breaker2:
The Kraken Wakes wrote:Where do I need to start in the animated series? Is there a full list of whats in what order? Assuming its as simple as that....
The gennedy tartarsauceski mini eps are really good.
Same dudeski did samurai jack, also good, but like chops said no longer really canon.
Last scene w grievous really good and ties ep3 perfectly.
Let me tell you, Gunner La-De-Dah Graham, the British Army can fight anything! Intimate or not!

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The Baron
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Re: Rogue one.

Post by The Baron »

Double-Tap wrote:
Double-Tap wrote:Is this a silly question?
Who were the bothans?
Been a while since ive seen the original but pretty sure mon mothma says 'many bothan spies died to get this info' ???
Am I remembering right?


Just realised that was rotj.
Too much/not enough drugs and alcohol.
Brain is melted like cheesy doughballs.

I sense the dark side
I wondered the exact same thing! Phew, glad it wasn't an oversight.

Saw Rogue One again, this time in Imax. Bloody spectacular.

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