Head Swapping?

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Head Swapping?

Post by viperlord »

I have seen several places where the heads of Star Wars figures have been used on Action Force bodies. Is this a direct swap or a serious modification? I was just curious if the peg was the same size or if major work would have to be done.


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Post by steve »

I've done two of these now.

The one I did that used the Count Dooku Head was a straight swap, no work involved at all.

The one that used Chancellor Palpatine needed work as his neck was far too long, so I had to trim the neck down while keeping a central core.

The figure body for this latter one had it's neck hole enlarged very slightly, but on reflection that was unnecessary.

But there does seem to be considerable variation amongst Star Wars head and neck sizes, so different figures will probably require different techniques.

My next project is to graft a Mace Windu head onto a space commander body, but that will be after my next SF collecting fair where I can pick up cheap figures.
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